Welcome my friends...
           *bows slightly*...
 *whispers* look at the moon....*w*
   ...If you want to see what "was then"...
           check out my "past"journey's...
  remembering that it was THEN...
     not now...*smiles*...the
beginning of my NEW path is being worked
               on as you read this...hehehe....ahhhhhhhh
                   new adventures for the new millenium...

                           Life truely is a wonderful
                        gift...isn't it??!!!...hehehe
                             *eg* *winks* ...come back
    `                          soon...will be different

Did you have your low icq # stolen???? *tapping lil inchy foot*
well then check this out...**WARNING**..not responsible for
content of this link...language and content may require parentental supervision...

                                            Just a health link ...while i start building....hehehe

A gift from a friend....want one??? *G*....you can have one custom made ...foryou, a friend...a lover...family...*S*

My valentine's Gift!!! woooooooooo hoooooooo

A Secret Hideaway...Melman's Place...You WANT to go there...yeah ya do....hehehe

I dunno...*shruggs* it is the "spirit tree"...


Just some "stuff" to think about....lol....dahhhh *g* ...