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Welcome to the Spa!!

         The Whole Person Health Spa is dedicated to the health and fitness of the entire human being and not just the physical aspect.  Fitness and health of the mind and spirit can be affected by physical fitness and in turn affect the physical aspect of fintess.

        These three aspects come from the cornerstone philosophies of the YMCA - Mind, Body and Spirit.  This International Organization believe for a person to be fit, they must develop not just the body but the mind and spirit as well. From my experience with various fitness and recreation organizations, I have come to believe this as well.  The fitness of each of these components of a person are interlinked as it is hard to increase or decrease the fitness of one area without affecting the others.  The famous quote  "Healthy mind, healthy body" exemplifies this.

        Thus I have divided the spa into sections corresponding to each of these aspects of human fitness. Within each, I have place topics relating to them to better understand them or from my own personal interests.  However, each aspect cannot be wholy divorced of the other two so each topic will relate to one or both of the other areas in some way.  This is impossible to avoid.

Fitness of the Body

    Fitness of the body can have a dramatic affect on the fitness of spirit and mind and vise versa.  Maintaining physical fitness also increases ones ability to recover from illness and injury and reduce the risk of heart disease.  My interest comes from my experience and training as a lifeguard and swimming instructor, degree in physical education (kinesiology) and assorted other things.

Fitness of the Mind

The fitness of the mind refers to not only the mental health but to the knowledge and judgement exercised by one's mind.  Such fitness is important in daily life and can be reflected in many ideas.  The mind covers a broad range of concepts but to me it means intellect, wisdom, judgement and knowledge.  It also requires the willingness to learn new ideas and share old ones.  Fitness of the mind is an ongoing quest that is never completed.

Fitness of the Spirit

A person's spirit is essential for a healthy life. The Spirit is sometimes considered synomous with the soul but in a secular way (not necessarily a religious concept although it can be depending on one's outlook on life).  A healthy spirit depends on many things to keep it so. These include friends, pets and hobbies.
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Last modified 040229 1730 CST
Devin T. Peterson