What Is Tourette Syndrome?
Striclty speaking, Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder or imbalance
which often causes involuntary motor, facial, and/or vocal tics in those
who have it.
In Other Terms:
If you have ever been walking down the street and seen someone swearing
unceasingly, or doing things like constantly blinking his eyes, or any
form of odd motor behaviour, the chances are he/she has Tourette Syndrome.
Tourette Syndrome is a type of neurological disorder which will result
in tics, in most cases. These tics are usually motor tics, but in many
cases they can also be vocal tics and/or facial.
To many people, this affliction is quite humourous, but to those who
actually have it, there is nothing funny about it. People with TS are barely
able to control their actions, and what is not needed is pestering and
harassing. Much of the time, Tourette Syndrome is coupled with either ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), although any solid corelation between the two is very controversial and still debated. A person with ADD usually has a very short attention span and can be restless much of the time. A person with ADHD will have a short attention span,
be restless, and be very energetic, and jumpy.
Here are the addresses and phone numbers of Tourette Syndrome Organizations:
Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada 194 Jarvis St Suite 206 Toronto ON M5B 2B7 Toll Free: 1-800-361-3120 Local: (416)-861-8398 Fax: 416-861-2472 |
United States:
Tourette Syndrome Association 42-40 Bell Boulevard Bayside, New York 11361-2820 Tel: 718-224-2999 Fax: 718-279-9596 |
Support Group
There is a support group for teens with neurological disorders
called Neurology
Millenia. There will be an online chat each Thursday at 8:00 PM Eastern time. Every week a new disorder will be discussed. For more information visit the site..
Tourette Links:
(If you have a site you wish put up here, please email me atdcassidy@uoguelph.ca and I'll try to get it up soon.)
Stichting Gilles de la Tourette(A Dutch Page)
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