Martin Agge Nørgaard, MD, DM Sci

Welcome to my homepage I hope you will enjoy the visit!

Who am I ?

I am a Danish cardiothoracic surgeon (currently working as a fellow at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Australia)
I am especially interested in bronchial artery revascularization (BAR) in lung transplantation.
Since 1994 I have been studying BAR in lung transplantation. In 2002 i defended my scientific thesis (Doctor of Medical Science) on this subject at Copenhagen University
If you are interested, please visit my bronchial artery revascularization homepage.

My Curriculum Vitae

Education and employments
Scientific papers
Scientific oral presentations and posters

When I am not working this is more or less what I do:

........and if you really MUST see it
my infamous flame-page.

Questions or comments ? Please e-mail me