You are the stressed person to access my site since 08/27/96.
This page was last updated on October 6, 1999.

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Sue and I live in Oshawa, Ontario in Canada.

This webpage is a labour of love for me. I have included many subjects that are of interest to me and a few things just for fun. I hope you enjoy your visit here. I would love it if you signed my guest book before you leave!


I became interested in aromatherapy almost three years ago when a friend of mine suggested I use essential oils to relieve my constant headaches. He recommended that I try 2 drops each of Lavender, Peppermint and Rosemary and mix with almond oil and massage it into my temples. It worked like a charm (and stock in the pain reliever companies dropped significantly). Now I keep an aroma-dome on my desk at work and as soon as I feel a tension headache come on I warm the oils to release their scent. This mixture is sedating, soothing, calming, cooling and relieves pain. Take a look under the aromatherapy link.


Another love of mine is the beautiful country of Australia. I have been lucky enough to have travelled there twice, once driving from Melbourne in the south to Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territories and the second time I toured the state of Victoria with my children. Take a virtual tour of Australia, learn about the famous bushranger Ned Kelly or try your hand at deciphering Aussie slang!

Healing with Crystals

This section is currently under construction. If you would like to be notified when it is completed, please email me.

Fortune Telling

Tarot is a way of reading cards to tell the future. This is commonly done with one (for learning a meditation purposes), three (to give a better viewing of the future), or Celtic Cross (the clearest of the three) card spreads. If you don't have time to read your tarot -- grab a fortune cookie to read your fortune!

My Favourite Web Sites

Take a look at some of my favourite online places to spend some time! Listed there are several sites done by my friends, family and some I threw in because I found them interesting.

I Ching .. Chinese Fortune Telling

This site offers free readings. It does take a bit of time to load, but trust me, it is worth the wait.


New relationships can be very stressful. Give yourself an edge by completing the Friends and Lovers Astro Report. This report compares your birth date with any other (friend or lover) and provides you with an in depth report on your relationship.

Just for Fun

This section is currently under construction.

If you have any comments or questions about this page, please email me at the following address:

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