The Doctor is in!
President, Lee County Florida Chiropractic Society, 1997 to 1999
Certified in Impairment Ratings and the Law, new 5th edition of A.M.A. Guides to Permanent Impairment - one of the only offices in Lee County, Florida, with this certification
Cervical Spine Injury Management
Graduate School, University of South Florida, Tampa and Sarasota, Florida
Undergraduate studies, University of Tennessee
~ Things to do about low back problems ~
Many people who develop mild low back discomfort may not need to see a physician right away. And according to American Family Physician, within a few days, the symptoms go away without any treatment.
* Your symptoms are severe.
* The pain is keeping you from doing things that you do every day.
* The problem doesn't go away within a few days.
Your doctor will check to see if you have a medical illness causing your back problem (chances are you will not).
* When did your symptoms start?
* Which of your daily activities are you not able to do because of your back symptoms?
* Is there anything you do that makes the symptoms better or worse?
* What is in your history -- auto accidents, sports injuries, hospitalizations.
A. Spinal Manipulation.
B. Heat or cold packs applied to the back.
C. Medicine.
"Get a second opinion" when surgery is recommended. That's the suggestion of the highly regarded University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter, whose authors note the frequency of spinal surgery in the U.S. is twice the rate of surgery in any other industrialized country. Their advice: seek a conservative approach, weight loss, and Chiropractic care.
And find a physician -- a neurologist or your Chiropractor -- who understands the interaction of muscles, joints, and the spine. You may be surprised to read in the next article that most medical doctors feel strongly about the importance of exercise, not bed rest, in the patient's treatment plan. Did you know that nearly half the M.D.s attending the October 1996 annual meeting of the Academy of Family Physicians stated they are "poorly trained" to treat back problems? Chiropractic physicians have the expertise to guide you in this area.
It's important to recognize that the possible need for surgery is remote, according to leading experts, who note that over a quarter million back operations are performed annually, and much of it is believed to be unnecessary. Conservative care as outlined in the study may be the most prudent choice for you and your aching back.
Neck injuries, in most cases, should be considered a medical emergency until it is determined otherwise, playing it safe is the best course. Fractures are alarming and can have dire consequences. This study shows a
usually fatal condition. This is a fractured neck at the second cervical vertebra, the so-called "Hangman's Fracture".
It has that name since the Hangman's noose breaks necks at this spot! This is popular movie star and actor Christopher Reeve's injury. At other times, pain may be an indication of a serious underlying problem. Some patients will be treated for their condition, other cases are referred out for special imaging to be performed, such as M.R. to better visualize the tissues or pathology, or to obtain a neurologic office consult. Here's a case involving a man with neck pain -due to the most common
Did you know that many interesting and detailed studies are being released, just about each month, which support Chiropractic care as an appropriate choice in the treatment and resolution of low back pain? This Federal government research paper has determined that spinal manipulation is not only safe, it's the right choice. By the way, if your family doctor says you should not be seeing a Chiropractor for your back pain, you can tell the doctor that research contradicts that out-of-date and biased point of view. They have no business interfering with your choice in your health care decision-making. Fortunately for patients everywhere, those kinds of unsupported remarks are becoming less common.
The American Chiropractic Association has developed this page -- it is an excellent source of current information.
Our services include greetings
~ Chiropractic Education ~
Detailed information regarding Florida Chiropractic can be found by visiting the
My interests include clinical neurology and
orthopedics but there are many assorted problems people bring to our office. This on-line page is an opportunity to expand on questions regarding joints, arthritis, the nervous system, headaches, and staying healthy.
You've discovered my on-line office! Conditions we are often asked about include headaches, migraine, low back pain issues, whiplash, and general
spinal health topics. Feel free to e-mail your individual questions. from Carol. Send her e-mail for an appointment.
When in need of care in Sarasota, Florida, please consult
Dr. Shelly Kennedy, whose work is excellent.My personal recommendation for prospective students.
The Florida Chiropractic Association page and its links.
Radiology Web Page
The Virtual Hospital
Excellent Spine Resource Web-site
The Second Amendment Sisters
Kim -- You
are braver than you believe,
Stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
But the most important thing is, even if we're apart,
I will always be with you.
~~Christopher Robin to Pooh