Welcome to the homepage of Dr. Kwang Chien Yee

This home page is currently being updated (2007)


My name is Dr. Yee, Kwang Chien. I was borne and educated in Kuching, Sarawak; a small city near the edge of Borneo Island, where I spent my first 18 years of life. After my high school education in Malaysia, I came to Australia for further education. I graduated from the University of Tasmania in 20001 and have been practising as a doctor in Australia since. I am also a resaercher, with research interests in the following areas: Generation Y in healthcare, patient safety, medical education, health informatics and colorectal cancer research.

This page is dedicated to all those who taught me, supported me and those who wish to know me better.

This is me!

Clinical work

I work as a gastro-enterology registrar at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

My research interest

I am always fascinated by cardiovascular medicine and hence my research is in that area. I am currently doing an honours research project in the second half of my fourth year course. The project is an extensive investigation coronary arterial blood flow. We use computer generated 3-dimentional pictures from coronary angiogram obtained from real patients. These images are then investigated in details for possible factors which will affect blood flow and shear stress on the wall of the arteries. The detail of the research project will be placed on the net soon.

The other area of research interest is clinical-pathological-correlation (CPC). Some students find the study of pathology and clinical medicine are totally unrelated. The CPC is intended to correlate clinical sign and symptoms to the pathological changes. A page will be constructed in this area soon.

Coronary artery disease


My education

I received my primary education at Chung Hua Primary School No.4, Kuching. My secondary education was completed at Chung Hua Middle School NO.1 before I went to Perth to do my matriculation course at Canning College, Western Australia. After year 12, I was offered an International Scholarship to study medicine at the University of Tasmania. The course is six years in length and I am currently in fourth year.

The course details of my year is as follow. This curriculum has been extensively reviewed the year after I started my first year and currently, the new course involve introduction of more clinical work and evidence-based medicine in the first two years of the course.

My family

My family consists of five members, father, mother, younger brother and younger sister. My brother is studying at the University of Tasmania, first year pharmacy while my sister is studying form4 this year. Both my parents are retired teachers after serving the community for near 35 years, dedicating their whole life to primary education and childhood upbringing. We live in a reasonable home in Kuching.

My personal interest

I have a wide range of hobbies. During school days, I was the president of computer club and activities co-ordinators of science club. At the University of Tasmania, I set up the Chinese Society at the Hobart campus in 1997. Hence, I am highly interested in the leadership training and extra-curriculum activities organisation.

Besides leadership, I am also interested in literature writing, especially chinese poem and novels. Publication of mine was widely accept in local and national newspapers. Being involved in the writing field has also brought my certain awards, nationally and internationally. Some of those awards are listed in the award section. Currently, I am trying to put some articles on the page, if possible.

I have always been interested in social issues and how the different societies differ in value and thinking. My special interest is in medical issues and educational issues, in particular, medical education. In the past few years, my publications on social issues have appeared in the forum section of some local chinese newspapers. I have also written certain articles in english. Being chinese-educated, however, limits my ability to master english language. Hence, I welcome any comment on those articles.

Positive attitude towards medicine is the most important factor

A reply to let's loosen up!

From entertainment point of view, I am interested in movies and muscis. My favorite TV shows include Ally McBeal, ER and X-files. I listen to both Chinese and English songs.

I play certain sports, including badminton, basketball etc. Sport, however, is not my cup of tea as you can imagine from my body mass index.

My awards

Throughout these years, I have been actively participate in all sorts of competitions, either academically or extra-curriculum activities. The main aim of participating in any competition, as far as I am concerned is not to necessarily win, but to enjoy the competition, the excitement of the environment, the stress and the long wait for the results. Sometimes, the results turn out to be frustrating, sometime, with a bit of luck, there are certain awards won throught the years. Some of these are highly prestigious (as far as I am concerned) and they are listed here, not to provide any elevation of self-esteem, neither to create any pressure or stress, but as a memory and a form of encouragement for future endavoure.


  1. Paul and Wilson's prize for best results in third year neuroscience, from , the department of anatomy and physiology, University of Tasmania.
  2. Placed on the dean's roll of excellence, 1998. University of Tasmania.


  1. Authors Cobbald's prize for best results in physiology and excellence academic achievement in second year from , the department of anatomy and physiology, University of Tasmania.
  2. Placed on the dean's roll of excellence, 1997. University of Tasmania.


  1. Tasmania International Scholarship for studying medicine at the University of Tasmania.
A full list of the awards received in the past 10 years are being constructed in a separate page. If you are interested, please have a look:

The list of awards received.

Links to other sites on the Web

My University. Have a look

Welcome to e-mail me and I look forward to meeting all of you!

© 2007 kcyee@utas.edu.au

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