airbjorn's Home Page  

Aviation Medicine Homepage

About aviation medicine, astronomy, computers,
AND all others ....

I am Bjorn Eckerbom.
I moved in to this homepage some two years ago.
Basically I am an anesthesiologist, but since eight years I am a medical examiner (with special interest in physiology) at Arlanda airport, Stockholm, Sweden.

As this is quite a personal home page, not limited to my professional interests, I also want to announce that I am interested in ASTRONOMY, especially BLACK HOLES and other exotic objects, COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (image processing, sound and music processing, voice recognition, language translation and.... well... you name it !) and OLD MECHANICAL TOYS like Meccano, Marklin metal kits and alike (got some oldies from the beginning of this century).
At last, but not least, I like to do some VIDEO-CHAT, with CUSeeMe, and my favorite reflector (a kind of server) is the ZIPPO-ref in VAASA in Finland.

Thus, if you share any of my interests, or for any other reason, please keep in contact!
YouŽll find my e-mail adress below.

I am also open to suggestions on the design of this home page!
So, please contact me.
That is a simple way of making a person (me) happy!

Today (the 21:th of november -98) I still work on this page.
My brain works slowly (complicated network inside !). So please be patient...
Any year... :-)

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Links to other sites on the Web

- Page 2 of my Home Page
- Page 3 of my Home Page (only swedish, sorry! Includes some QuickTime music.)
- Page 4 of my Home Page (Madeira ! In English)
- Geocities Home Page Editor
- Aviation Medicine Practitioners
- Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA)
- Arlanda Airport
- Lockheed Tristar pictures


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