Yeah...Yeah...You know the drill, you are visitor #

If we weren't meant to eat cows...Why are they made of meat?

Index of the stuff on my HomePage...

Wanna get away with (slowly) watching TV at work? Go here to my screen capturer.

It's about time...We got a scanner for X-Mas, so I went to it. Look at my "Online Photo Ablum"
This a test...NO not that loud annoying noise...The "Progressive Morbidity Test"

Ya GOTTA see this...I made this "Haiku-O-Matic" with special .cgi bin useage (to those that understand that)

My own "Text-To-Speech" voice synthesizer...Go on...ya know you wanna!

Take a spin on my "Automatic Complaint Leter Generator"

Alright...I admit, this has no practical use...Do you think I really care? NO! View my site BACKWARDS=SDRAWKCAB

Ever find yourself at a cocktail party with people saying witty things on the current economic crisis, and you have nothing to say? Well, now with my Random Profound Insight machine you do.

Are you and yer LOVER a good match? Find out on this easy to follow chart.

Believe in reincarnation? You should...This page will tell you of your last life!

Howdy Stranger...Y'all Just meander my way and comes to...Blink's Page 'O Stuff...Don't Rustle up them cattle ya hear...

Green...Red...Yellow...Brown...Blue...Pink... Orange...Gray...Anything else you want?Purple Perhaps?And now it's back to normal!!!

Just go here, and get it all over with!

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Cool!!! In my opinion, the only Good Museum!
Yep, you guessed it. The "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
St.Jude now has her own page! (actually she's just my SISTER)
Second best Chat around, Geocities being first!
Well... What can I do, He's my Friend! Click here to go to Wile E. Coyotes Home Page...
A fantastic collection of...well...stuff. Including: "Find The Spam"
OK...My own HomeTown...SAN DIEGO The one and only home page...

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