Willow Ambulance Serving the Community
Since February 19, 1976
The People who Care...Emergency Service Volunteers.
Last Update6/26/99
The FIRST ever GOLF TURNAMENT and Dinner Dance will be held this August. The golf will be at Palmer Golf Course and the Dance to follow at Willow Trading Post Lodge. Come out and support our emergency services.
Here it is pictures of the new Snow machine towed rescue sled and the machines
1989 Arctic Cat Super Jag's....(used but not used up)...it's been here
since last year...but it gets better every day.
Many thanks to all the fine people and businesses who contributed
the money to buy this special equipment. Also Many Thanks to the 210th.
Rescue Squadron Para Rescue Men(Mike Wayt and Skip Kula) (Alaska Air National
Guard) for the winter survival training class.
With luck we will soon have an enclosed trailer to move the equipment
with The WILLOW LIONS Club is working on it. and a donation was recieved from several clubs as well as some company donations.. This December Talkeetna Arctic Cat finished the work on machine #2...so we now have two functional machines...there business went out of it's way to complete this project for us and we are very grateful...Thank You
This is a partial crew picture from 1997/98 of Willow Ambulance.
Pictured (l-r) Chief Steven Linkhart EMT-3/, Tom King EMT-1, Training Officer
Darin Larson EMT-1, Marilyn Connell EMT-1(left 1997), Supply Officer Marianne
Larson EMT-1, Maggie Alecknavage EMT-1, Brian Taylor Driver, Juanita Larson
EMT-1, Jack Goode EMT-1 (RN).
Not Pictured: Asst. Chief John Johnson EMT-3, PAO Laurie
"Scooter" McCutcheon EMT-3, Dave Barney EMT-3, Melody Walker EMT-2D, Barbara
Crane EMT-1, Lynn Phillips EMT-1.
Here is the Lifeguard Medivac Helicopter, sponsored by Providence
Hospital. They also have a King Air and a Lear Jet used for longer
transports. Lifeguard also has special trained teams for Neo-nates
and Peds.
New Training: September 13th. 1998,
Three members of the service completed Air Medivac
Escort Training in Anchorage. The Training was Hosted
in Anchorage.
The Members completing the training are:
Steven Linkhart, EMT-III
Melody Walker, EMT-IID
Lynn Phillips, EMT-I
Willow Ambulance
P.O. Box 177
Willow, AK 99688
Phone 907-495-6228
Fax 907-495-6783
This is Rescue 12-1
Rescue 12-1 is a Ford 3/4 ton. pickup. It houses a portable
generator, scene lights, Hurst Tools, Air bags, Ice Rescue Equipment, stokes
litter, backboards, basic medical equipment, airpacks, cribbing, hand tools,
and other misc. rescue equipment.
The Green Cross
was awarded on May 25, 1996 for a vehicle head on accident located at mile
64.5 of the George Parks Highway. A 1995 Eagle proceeding south, for an
unknown reason crossed the center line and struck a 1985 Ford Pickup headed
North. All three occupants were injured, one was send by Lifeguard Helicopter
to Providence Hospital in Anchorage.
A Second Green Cross
was awarded June 1996, to members for a MVA vs. motorcycle on Hatchers
pass road...there were 2 fatality (a fire department explorer for Houston
AK. and the motor cycle driver) but 4 other people did survive.
The Folks who do RESCUE
Brian Taylor:
(current fire chief)
Steven Linkhart:
(current ambulance chief)
Ed McCain:
(Member Mat-Su Dive Team)
John Johnson: Lori Wiertsema:
Bob McCain: Hurst Tool Qualified (former fire chief)
Maggie Alecknavage: Hurst Tool Qualified
Darin Larson: Hurst Tool Qualified
STATION 12-1 MP 69.5 of the George Parks Highway
And here is a picture of Station 12-1
Annex Building on the left, Main station center, and Training
Room and offices on the right. There is also a 6000 Gal. water tank
buried at this station for Emergency Water Supplies.
Station 12-1 hosts Engine 12-1-1, Tanker 12-1-1, Rescue 12-1, Support
12-1, Willow Ambulance and the Rescue Snow machine package.
ENGINE 12-1-1
11/1/96 The new fire truck Engine 12-11,
1996 Pierce Responder. The New
Engine, It has a 1250 GPM pump, 25 Gal foam tank/1000 GAL water tank (polytank.
seating in airpack seats for 4 plus a driver. it has 2 cross lays for 1
3/4 hose, the truck also has 6" hard suction. We run 200' triple tier loads.
The back hose deck has 3000' 3" hose plus a 200' Blitz line. All lines
are task force tips. The truck is also pre plumed for foam on cross lay
#1 and had a 1000 GPM monitor above the engineers panel. it was placed
on an international chases. it has a built in inverter for 2/500 watt scene
lights, and a ZICO ladder lift on the right side. We also carry a Honda
powered smoke ejector and a 6000 Watt. Honda generator on this truck.
ENGINE 12-1-2
This is Engine 12-1-2 (above)
it is a 1975 Ford Alyeska truck with 300 GPM pump and roll. , Dry Chemical
and Foam. It has a 70 Gal. foam tank and 1200 Gal. Water Tank with
3" hard suction l. This truck was used on both the Prator
Lake Fire and the Millers Reach Fire
in Alaska (see Nov. 1996 Firehouse Mag) This truck just finished some tank
work to include coating the tank with a new poly-ceramic coating to increase
it's service life.
This truck and it's sister truck Tanker 12-2-1
were donated by Alyeska Pipeline Services.....
TANKER 12-1-1
This is TANKER 12-1-1
it has a 3000Gal. Cap. with a 1250 GPM Waterous Pump 6" suction reduced
to 5". and a new Poly Tank as of 1997.
The tanker was built by BECKER an went into service in 1992. It
is assigned to Station 12-1 which is located at Mile 69.5 of the George
Parks Highway in Willow Alaska.
Station 12-2, on Willow Fishhook Road.
Formerly Hatchers Pass Road.
Here is the 20,000 Gal water tank placed summer or 1996.
ENGINE 12-2-1
This is a picture of Engine 12-2-1,
it has a 1000 gal tank, 1000 GPM pump a hard line, 2 rear pre connects,
5" hard suction...it is assigned to Station 12-2.
TANKER 12-2-1
The sister truck to Engine 12-1-2
was converted into a tanker, Tanker 12-2-1
it has a 500 GPM pump, 4" hard suction and pump and roll with a 3000 gal
tank. Soon it will have it's reflective stripes.. :-)
The Crew (top L-R) FF Jennifer McCain, FF Steven Linkhart
(bottom L-R) Capt. Bob McCain, FF Eddie Trimmer, FF Michael Bennett,
FF J.P. Larson, FF Michael Murphy, Chief Brian Taylor, Lt. Lori Wiertsema,
FF Joe Stanger, Lt. Ed McCain, FF Darin Larson.
Here is a old station photograph.
front row L-R, Steven Linkhart, Eddie Trimmer, Lt. Ed McCain, Chief
Brian Taylor.
Back Row L-R, Joe Stanger, Juanita Larson, Lori Wiertsema, Jennifer
The Twins..one Reborn
Live Burn Training...some like it HOT
pictured: (r to l) Johnny Murdock, Laurie Wiertsema, UNK)
This shot was taken during live fire training the summer of 1997.
These Live Burn shots were taken the Winter 0f 1998.
here I am at the command post during the Millers Reach fire...Hope you
enjoyed the page.