"Wow. What a revelation." -- First Time Meeting Attendee |
This is the home page of
the LA RSI Support Group. We feature information about our meetings and about
RSI (repetitive strain injury). These potentially disabling soft tissue
injuries are often referred to as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but, unfortunately,
CTS is just one of many repetitive strain injuries. Hopefully you'll inform
yourself about RSI so that it doesn't 'happen' to you. If you're already
having problems, please don't ignore them and hope they'll go away. Learn
what steps you can take to prevent further damage to your irreplaceable hands
and arms. The LA RSI Support Group can be contacted at asklarsi@yahoo.com |
you'd like to get involved on behalf of injured workers in the State of |
Please read this important
article on the Incidence of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy in
Repetitive Strain Injuries. Who When do we meet 3rd Saturday of the Month 10:00am to 12:00pm
Where Sherman Oaks Hospital and Burn Center Doctor's Conference Room (On ground floor, next to the gift shop and near the Emergency entrance.) What's Planned |
IMPORTANT Announcements
Important Update! Our
meeting format has changed to include a “traditional” support group time that
will be moderated by a fellow LARSI member. RSI sufferers, their friends and family,
and practitioners are all welcome and encouraged to participate during this
time. The new meeting schedule is as follows:
gotten involved in the workers' compensation reform battle and has developed
community outreach projects. We are seeking volunteers who can donate
even a little bit of time to help us expand our presence in the
community. Please
contact us at (818) 753-2836 or asklarsi@yahoo.com.
Site updated 11 JULY 2006 by RQ |