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Be still and listen to the stillness within

Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein

We can absorb only those realities that we are ready for

Do not compare yourself with others, for you are a unique and wonderful creation. Make your own beautiful footprints in the snow.

-Barbara Kimball

Comparisons we make of ourselves to other women do destruction far greater than our conscious minds are aware of. Positioning ourselves or her on the "beloved pedestal" prevents the equality of sisterhood that offers each woman the freedom to be solely herself.

Comparisons in which we are the losers darken the moment, cut us off from the actual rhythms of that moment. The consequences can be grave. Within any moment might be the opportunity we've awaited, the opportunity to achieve a particular dream. We must not miss our opportunities..

Each life is symbolized by a particular set of footprints in the snow. How wonderful and how freeing to know that we each offer something uniquely or own. We need never compete to be noticed. Each of us is guaranteed recognition for what we contribute, because it is offered by us alone.

Envy eats at us; it interferes with all of our interactions. It possesses all of our thoughts, caging us, denying us the freedom to achieve that can be ours.

In Loving Memory of my Mother ; Wanda McCord who passed over to Summerland September 20, 1997 and my Father: Paul McCord who left this plane, November 29, 1995 May they be together evermore....

There Are Links to other sites on the Web

Barefoot Bob's
Daily Reflections
Recovery Campout homepage

Friends in Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous(The Official Page)
Alcoholics Anonymous in South Flordia

Tom's WebPage

Awakening.. spirituality, recovery, mindfullness, wicca, conscious living...

This is My Belief !!!

After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, and you begin to accept your defeats. With your head held up and your eyes wide open, with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure. That you really are strong, and that you really do have worth.

If you do not love yourself totally, wholly, and fully, somewhere along the way you learned not to. You can unlearn it. Start being kind to yourself now!

Take a moment for meditation

The Fool's Journey
New Age Journal Online
Carl Jung: Anthology
Spirit Over Mind Over Matter
Library of Wisdom

New Age Resources

Imagine LandAll-in-One Search PageThought For The Day
Creative Minds Unlimited : Flute's World of Myth & Creativity A Magic Stream Journal of Emotional WellnessSpirit Link

And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

-T.S. Eliot

Feminine Magic The Ritual Archive Red Rose GardenElsajoys' Peace PageWhispering TreesWelcome to Memory Loss Inc.Guide to MeditationYoni ~ Gateway to the Feminine

Cleome's Wiccan Resource pageMama Rose's KitchenWitch's BrewMystical Arts on ProdigyWitches' League for Public Awareness

Mind/Body QueendomPeace of Mind a metaphysical cybermall offering books, music and other products

New Age PlacesFly With MePeace PilgrimThe Native Web Home Page Edge of CyberSpacePagan Web LinksGreat PyramidTHE WEB LESS TRAVELEDCurrent Web Issue of StepsKahlil Gibran
"All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions." - Leonardo da Vinci

For Jane:

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. -Hebrews 13:2 Freebird 56 angelpageAngelic Passages Home PageAngelnetVanessa's angels Varian's Angel Dreams Sun Angel InnovationsAngel's SelectionsLacys angel pageAbout Angels...Angelfire CommunicationsAngel Miracle NetworkVirtual Angel GalleryThe Stock Solution - Vintage Art & Photography pictures of angelsAngelis PressContents of Angels on the NetOde to the AngelsJust Wingin' It - Angel and New Age Catalog - Home Page

A Positive Place on the internetSpirit to SpiritJohn S. Recovery PageThe GrandmothersThe Raven's Loft Affirmative, Eclectic & Informative Links - Ed Thomas' The Brainstickers Company, eta, inc.Motives - Actions - Faith - FearRob htmlMany PathsRecovery Resources OnlineInterludeThe Eclectic JournalThe Mother's GlenThe CraftCyndi's Dream Interpretation GuideWeb WeaversAn (Unofficial) Alcoholics Anonymous PageBlue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting CardsWitchcraft Faq.Amethyst Pagan ParlorRaven Dance's Web PageSpiritual Awakenings -L'Щveil SpirituelSunlight of the SpiritGeoffrey's List of LinksAdrianna'sLapitz Home PageThe Dark GoddessOne Day at a TimeWax and Weeds Candles and Botanical itemsArachne's WebThe Herbal EncyclopediaSue's information ZoneHigher PowerMarianne Williamson Homepage




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And It Harm None, Do What Ye Will,Blessed Be!

Updated.Tuesday, November 2,1999 Enlighted beings have visited this site since the birth of this page: Sept. 2, 1996
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May those that love us, love us.

Let God turn the hearts of those that don't love us.

And if He can't turn their hearts,

let Him turn their ankles, so that we

may know them by their limping.

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Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often

All your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is.


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