
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, Germany

Project Group Neuropharmacology (Head: Prof. K.G. Reymann)

Dr. Tino J�ger

My Lab - My Research - My Papers - My oral communications - My Abstracts

My Lab

About the Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, Germany, is written
here about it�s Project Group Neuropharmacology here.

My Research

I started my work in the department researching the role of mGluRs, and their pathophysiologic mechanisms following a hypoxic / ischemic insult. Now I�m doing single cell recordings with sharp microelectrodes in acute hippocampal slices. I�m using the confocal laser scan microscope (high temporal resolution) combined with electrophysiological recordings for the investigation of the role of calcium in neurons.

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My Papers

  1. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch
    Analysis of the tetanic and post-tetanic components of intradendritic Ca2+ signals in hippocampal CA1 neurons
    Neuroscience 86(2): pp. 423-429, 1998.
  2. V. Wilsch, T. Behnisch, T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and D. Balschun
    When are class I mGluRs nessecary for hippocampal LTP?
    J. Neurosci. 18(16): 6071-6080, 1998.
  3. U.H. Schr�der, T. Opitz, T. J�ger, C.F. Sabelhaus, J. Breder and K.G. Reymann
    Protective effect of class I metabotropic glutamate receptor activation against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury in rat hippocampal slices: timing and involvement of PKC
    Neuropharmacol. 38(2): 209-216, 1999.

    My oral communications

    1. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann
      Characteristics of intradendritic Ca2+ signals in hippocampal CA1 neurons induced by a variety of LTP-paradigms
      2nd International Symposium on Synaptic Transmission, 08.-09.05.1998, Barcelona, Spain.
    2. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch
      Synaptically driven intradendritic Ca2+ waves in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons Abstract
      Society fot Neuroscience 28th Annual Meeting 2nd International Symposium on Synaptic Transmission, 07.11.-12.11.1998, Los Angeles, USA.

      My Abstracts

      1. Gnezditsky, V.V., Koptelov, J.M., Brutian, A.G., Egorov, A.V. and J�ger, T.
        Possibilities and perspectives of the 3D-localisation of the sources of the human brains bioelectric avtivity in normal people and under pathology [in Russian], Poster International meeting and course for Biomedical Equipment Development, Jalta-Gursuf, Ukraine, 1995.
        Abstract in Russian (part 1) (part 2)
      2. Egorov, A.V., Gnezditsky, V.V., Koptelov, J.M., Brutian, A.G. and J�ger, T.
        Analysis of the dipole sources of cognitive evoked potentials from the human brain [in Russian], Poster International meeting and course for Biomedical Equipment Development, Jalta-Gursuf, Ukraine, 1995. Abstract in Russian
      3. J�ger, T., Schroder, U.H., Opitz, T., Sabelhaus, C.F., Breder, J. and Reymann, K.
        Staurosporine attenuates the protective effect of class I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury in hippocampal slices, Poster, Abstract
        6th International Symposium on Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia, 22.- 24.07.1996, Marburg.
      4. Mannaioni, G., J�ger, T., Schroder, U.H., Breder, J. , Pellicciari, F., Moroni, F. and Reymann, K.G.
        UPF-523, a class I metabotropic glutamate antagonist, fails to protect hippocampal slices against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury, Poster, Neuropharmacology Vol. 35, No. 6, A77
        2nd International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors, September 15-21, 1996, Taormina, Sicily-Italy.
      5. Reymann, K.G., Schroder, U.H., J�ger, T., Opitz, T., Sabelhaus, C.F. and Breder, J.
        Protein kinase C is involved in the protective effect of class I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury in hippocampal slices, Poster, Neuropharmacology Vol. 35, No. 6, A97
        2nd International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors, September 15-21, 1996, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
      6. J. Breder, U. H. Schroder, T. J�ger, T. Opitz, C. F. Sabelhaus, D. Balschun* and K. Reymann
        Protein kinase C inhibitors attenuate the protective effect of class I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury in hippocampal slices, Poster, Soc. Neurosci. 22 (1996): 366.20
        26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 16-21, 1996, Washington, D.C.
      7. V. Wilsch, T. Behnisch*, T.J�ger, D. Balschun, R. Pellicciari AND K.G. Reymann
        The involvement of metabotropic glutamate class I receptors in LTP depends on tetanisation strength, Poster, Soc. Neurosci. 22 (1996): 136.9
        26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 16-21, 1996, Washington, D.C.

      8. U.H. Schroder, T. J�ger, T. Opitz, C.F. Sabelhaus, J. Breder, and K. Reymann
        Class I metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists protect rat hippocampal slices against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury: Timing and involvement of protein kinase C, Poster, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 355(Suppl), No.4, R92
        28th Spring Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Mainz, March 11-13, 1997
      9. T. Behnisch, V. Wilsch, T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and D. Balschun (introduced by J.J. O'Connor)
        When are class I mGluRs nessecary for hippocampal LTP?, Poster, J. Physiol. 501P, 99-100
        THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY,Trinity College Dublin Meeting, 24th to 26th March 1997, Dublin.
      10. U.H. Schroder, T. J�ger, T. Opitz, C.F. Sabelhaus, J. Breder, and K. Reymann
        The protective effect of class I metabotropic glutamate receptor against hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury is attenuated by protein kinase C inhibitors in hippocampal slices, Poster, J. Mol. Med. 75, No.4, B98
        Congress of Molecular Medicine|, May 3-5, 1997, Berlin.
      11. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann
        Rise of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in response to different tetanization paradigms in dendrites of hippocampas CA1 neurons, Poster, Proceedings of the 25th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference 1997, Volume II, p.634, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart New York
        25th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference
        22nd to 25th May 1997, Goettingen, Germany.
      12. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann,
        Calcium signals during LTP-induction, Poster, Abstract,
        2th Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology, 26. - 28.9.1997, Jena.
      13. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch*
        Intradendritic Ca2+ transients of hippocampal CA1 neurons induced by local high frequency stimulation, Poster, Soc. Neurosci. 23 (1997): 149.5
        27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October 25-30, 1997, New Orleans, La.
      14. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch
        Metabotropic glutamate receptors are involved in intradendritic Ca2+ rises by local high frequency stimulation of hippocampal Schaffer-collateral CA1 synapses, Poster, Pflugers Archive European Journal of Physiology, Suppl. to Vol. 435, No. 6, P17-7 (1998)
        Joint Congress of the German Physiological Society (77th Meeting) and the Scandinavian Physiological Society (56th Meeting) March 8-12, 1998, Hamburg, Germany.
      15. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann
        Characteristics of intradendritic Ca2+ signals in hippocampal CA1 neurons induced by a variety of LTP-paradigms Abstract
        2nd International Symposium on Synaptic Transmission, 08.-09.05.1998, Barcelona, Spain.
      16. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch
        Intradendritic Ca2+transients of hippocampal CA1 neurons and analysis of their tetanic and post-tetanic components Abstract
        Symposium: Calcium signaling in the nervous system, 24.-27.06.1998, Bogensee, Germany.
      17. T. J�ger, K.G. Reymann and T. Behnisch
        Properties of the tetanic and post-tetanic components of intradendritic Ca2+signals in hippocampal CA1 neurons Eur. J. Neurosci., Vol. 10, Suppl. 10, 14.52 (1998)
      18. D. Balschun, T. Behnisch, T. J�ger, M. Sokolov, W. Zuschratter, K.G. Reymann and W. Wetzel
        The role of group 1 mGluRs in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and spatial learning
        Neuropharmacology, Vol. 38, Suppl. 10, A13 (1999)
      19. D. Balschun, T. Behnisch, T. J�ger, M. Sokolov, K.G. Reymann and W. Wetzel
        mGluR5 activation induces late LTD and impares spatial learning in the adult rat
        Soc. Neurosci. 25 (1999): 290.11
        29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 16-21, 1999, Miami
      20. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann
        mGluR mediated modulation of synaptically driven intradendritic Ca2+waves in rat hippocampal neurons
        Soc. Neurosci. 26 (2000): 421.6
        30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 04-09, 2000, New Orleans
      21. K.G. Reymann, T. Behnisch and T. J�ger
        Pharmacological characteristics of the Ca2+ propagation within dendrites of hippocampal CA1 neurons
        IUPS Satellite Symposium, Synaptic Transmission in the central nervous system, September 02-07, 2001, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia,
      22. T. J�ger, T. Behnisch and K.G. Reymann
        Pharmacological characterization of Ca2+ wave generation in hippocampal CA1 neurons
        Soc. Neurosci. 27 (2000): 274.14
        31th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October 10-15, 2001, San Diego

        Feel free to send e-mail me! jaeger@ifn-magdeburg.de

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