~Sarah's Homepage~


Hello! My name is Sarah. I am a 15 year old female from Kennewick, Washington and I am a Sophmore at Kennewick High School, the coolest and best high school ever! Go Lions! *Anyways* Well I guess I should tell you a little bit about me. For starters I was born in Spain. I live with my mom and 2 sisters, Cristina (18), Beth (12). Sometimes on the weekends I get to go and stay with my Dad and step-mom and baby sister Kinzie who is 19 months old and Gracie who is a little over a month old. I get along with most of my family pretty well. I guess we kinda split apart a year ago when I made a really dumb mistake. But,I have learned my mistake and I am mending broken fences. I also have a very sweet boyfriend, Doug, he's probaly the most undertsanding and sweet guy you'll ever meet. Well, I don't want to bore you anymore. If you want to know more about me, check out the "All About Me" link and read all about me. This is my first page and it will gradually be built. So hang with me here!!

Links to other sites on the Web

This is my aunt Tawny's Homepage
This is my friend Jessica's Homepage
This is my friend Merrick's Homepage
All About Me
Pictures of my friends

Please feel free to e-mail me at the address below with any comments, good or bad so that I can make my homepage better!! Thanks for checking out my page!!!

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