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The People:
(Macomb County Parent Advisory
working with the Macomb Intermediate
School District))
The State:
(Michigan Department of Education-click
on Special Education in the side frame)
Grosse Pointe Parent Advisory Committee
& PTO:
Macomb County Michigan, U.S.A.
Support Group for Down Syndrome Parents & Children
Families Exploring Down Syndrome
7000 Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, N.E.
Lake Ridge 400 Office Park Building #5 - Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30328-1655
Toll Free: 800.232.NDSC Local: 770.604.9500
JoAnn Simons, President
A Japanese study released
summer 2000 indicates that
periodontal bacteria colonizes early in children with Down
syndrome, causing increased plaque formation. Factors that
may contribute to this are a weakened immune system, early
deterioration in the mouth due to premature aging and difficulty
brushing and flossing. Adequate oral hygiene can make a
significant difference in preventing periodontal disease and
protecting teeth. Dental professionals can instruct children and
parents on proper brushing and flossing. An electric toothbrush
is often easier for children to use.
According to a summer
2000 Canadian study, children with
Down syndrome have been found to have deficiencies of the
humoral immune system, which may explain the clinical
impression that they have an increased rate of infections.
Predisposition to infections is thought to be due to differences in
the immune systems of people with Down syndrome, although
their different structural features, such as mid-facial hypoplasia,
may also play a role, according to Dr. Kirsten Miller, pediatrics
resident at the University of British Columbia and one of the
researchers who conducted the study.
The findings suggest that children with Down syndrome may
need a full immunological workup in order to provide optimal
treatment. However, Dr. Miller stressed that it is impossible to
determine at this point what to recommend as far as
measurements or treatment. Dr. Miller's partner in the study, Dr.
Mary Pothos, director of the Down Syndrome Clinic at the
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and assistant professor
of pediatrics, noted that children with IgG2 subclass deficiencies
(one of the deficiencies identified in the study) can be given
pneumococcal vaccine.
ABC for You and Me by Meg Girnis, Albert Whitman and Co.- Alphabet book with full color photographs of children with Down Syndrome and their friends in activities that correspond to the letters of the alphabet. Delivers the message of inclusion without ever using the words.
Russ and the Apple Tree Surprise by Janet Elizabeth
Rickert, Woodbine House - The first book in a new series for young readers,
features a boy who longs for a swing set.
Russ' day turns around when he begins to enjoy what is literally
in his own backyard - an apple tree. Russ has Down Syndrome, but
the book does not focus on what he can't do, instead it highlights the
ways in which Russ is like other kids his age.
Russ and the Firehouse by Janet Elizabeth Rickert,
Woodbine House - Russ visits his uncle at the firehouse. Enjoy Russ'
day at the station while it emphasizes the child not Down Syndrome.
Buddy Walk
Check out the coolest new section of the NDSS web site at
Up-to-date info on the Buddy Walk locations across the country,
a debut of the new Buddy Walk look and information for walkers and organizers.
Visit today and help NDSS achieve its goal in every state. The Buddy
Walk promotes acceptance and inclusion of individuals with Down Syndrome.
Down Syndrome Chat hosts a weekly chat on Down Syndrome. It takes
place every Saturday from 10:00 p.m. to midnight EST at:
Pen Pals for people with Down Syndrome
Pen-A-Friend, a quarterly publication for individuals with developmental
disabilities, is now available on line at:
The Web site has info on the publication, message boards for families
and counselors and on-line pals.
Down Syndrome Health Issues
A great site compiled by physician and father Dr. Len Leshin,
contains health articles written by Dr. Leshin and other medical professionals,
discussions of current Down Syndrome controversies and up-to-date, thorough
list of web links.
In 1999, We Media Inc. launched, a premiere one-stop,
full service integrated online community dedicated to people with disabilities.
Check it out!
face may be different, but my feelings the same.
I laugh, I cry, I take pride in my gains.
I was sent here among you to teach you to love.
As God in the heavens looks down from above.
Him I'm no different, His love knows no bounds.
It's those here among you, in cities and towns,
that judge me by standards that man has imparted.
the family He's chosen will help me get started.
For I'm one of His children, so special and few,
that came here to learn the same lessons as you.
That love
is acceptance, it must come from the heart.
We all have the same
purpose, though not from the start.
The Lord gave me my life to live and embrace.
And I'll do it as you do, just at my own pace.
Remember we ALL have the
same purpose.
Just because one has a disability or looks
different in some way, we are all
God's children. Remember
this next time
you see some one who's a little different!
More information on the NDSS can be obtained
by calling 1-800-221-4606 or writing them at 666 Broadway, New York, NY
Visit NDSS Web site at:
Down Syndrome Congress
7000 Peachtree-Dunwoody Road, N.E.
Lake Ridge 400 Office Park Building #5 -
Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30328-1655
Toll Free: 800.232.NDSC Local:
JoAnn Simons, President
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