HIV/AIDS Information

Conference Proceedings from November 1998's Fourth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Glasgow, Scotland

Download RxPAGE

RxPAGE is a Windows3.1, Windows95 program I wrote to help remind folks via their numeric-PAGER when they are scheduled to take their medication. It requires the computer to be turned-on at all times and therefore should only be used as a backup alarm (computers aren't the most reliable of things). It is written with the Crixivan schedule requirements particularily in mind - 3 alarms maximum per day are allowed in this version. However, given the importance of adherence with the other protease inhibitors as well as the NNRTI's, it's use is applicable to other treatment regimens. The program runs minimized and should be put in the STARTUP folder to make sure it is running in case of temporary power outage, for example. You may also have to fiddle with the modem initialization strings - send out a test page to make sure it correctly hangs up after the call (see your other communications software for appropriate init strings). Note: This is NOT shareware and there are no suggested donations - it is free with the provision that it is not re-distributed for profit.

TREATMENT INFORMATION (last updated December-12-1998)

Treatment Info from Project Inform

XI International Conference on AIDS Update

Pharmacia UpJohn Protease Inhibitor Appears to have Distinct Resistance Profile to Other Protease Inhibitors

Full Story Here Stay tuned...

HIV/AIDS Information Links..

Project Inform's Home Page

    Project Inform is an excellent source for accurate treatment information. Donations are encouraged!

AEGIS AIDS Education Global Information System. THE place for researching press releases.
Critical Path AIDS Project Treatment, Prevention and Resource Information
ACT-UP Golden Gate The real ACT-UP in San Francisco (not associated with the fools "ACT-UP San Francisco" who masquerade as activists in the interest of people with AIDS)
AIDS Research Information Center ARIC aims to present complex medical information in plain English.
Marty Howard's HomePage Marty Howard has set up a very comprehensive list of links to other HIV/AIDS resources.
NIH Gopher Menu Includes NIAIDS Press Releases.
CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Search the AIDS Daily. Epidemiological Data and Statistics
HIV Database Los Alamos Genetic Mapping and Resistance Info
Entrez MEDLINE Subset Search Search a Subset of the MEDLINE abstracts
Science Magazine Preview articles and order individual copies
Medscape Medscape - soon to offer free MEDLINE searches
New York Academy HIV Information Project Includes AIDS Treatment Data Network for Comprehensive Treatment and Current Clinical Trial Information
FDA Food and Drug Administration

Some of my Favourite Other Links...

CNN News The latest Headlines.
USNews A source for AP/Reuters Feeds
San Jose Mercury News HomePage Another good source for today's News.
Pathfinder's News Now Pathfinder's News Page

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© copyright 1998 davet1 (Sorry it took so long for me to update the page!