University Children's Hospital - Sarajevo
The biggest children's hospital in Bosnia and Hercegovina!
After 5 years of war and systematicaly distroying of life in
Sarajevo we began with the reconstruction of the biggest children's
hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina - the University Children's Hospital of
List of
our specific and
urgent needs if something what we can't afford, but is necessary
for our normal work.

Come here to see much more about University Children's Hospital - Sarajevo
List of our specific needs
List of our urgent needs
IZDANJA NA BOSANSKOM JEZIKU (knjige, publikacije i zanimljivosti)
Pediatric Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Help us to save childrens' life. Mail us, please.
Chief of Hospital - Prof. Dr. Esma Cemerlic-Zecevic
List of people and organizations who helped us in the last month:
1. AMRF - Victor Sologaistoa .
The monitor MDE donated by American Medical Resources Foundation (AMRF)
will make a great difference on the care of the
children of Bosnia and Hercegovina
2. North West Lung Research Center, Dr. S.J. Langley
3. Henri Verhaaren, Gent, Belgium
4. Balkanaction, Belgium
5. Unicef - Sarajevo Office
6. Geocities
7. Could You be the next on this list
Pediatric Hospital - Sarajevo
Bolnicka 25
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel-Fax: +387 71 472-406
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(c) August 1996. By ZDZ
Last updated: 28.02.1998
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