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Words of welcome from the author

Welcome to my new website. The old one, an antique to remain polite, was completely out of it and, since people seem to grow fast nowadays and change also alot, my former page didn't give the world the impression I wanted it to give. I'm more into the real world, its people, its problems : the essentials of life ! I hope you'll enjoy the changes I've made, I'm a new person, I'm busy as I've never been before : I'm alive !

Itinerary of navigation

Some remains of the past still remain ! In order to maximize the pleasure you'll have to visit my site, I've made an itinerary I hope you'll find interesting to follow...

I hope you enjoyed your visit in my world and that the curiosity of knowing what will happen with it next will keep you coming and asking for more ! Your comments are welcome, even if they are negative ! Feel free to express yourself by writing to me !

A total number of people have visited my site since its first appearance on the W3 !

Le monde de Geneviève!

Last updated March 7th 1997, by Geneviève Dallaire