HockeyDoc©'s W3 Homepage
Welcome to Robert R. Baber's Home On the W3
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Hello to everyone on the WWW!! Welcome to my little contribution to the greatest innovation to expand Homo sapien communications since the evolution of a speech center in the brain - the Internet! I've broke out the defibrillator and shocked my server with 400kJ to get this page beating again!! This page contains information dealing with two topics near and dear to my heart:
& Medicine
This page is a prime resource for individuals who are febrile for medicine and hockey! If you need pre-med information, this page contains links to many other great Internet users who were once where I am now - as a med school wanna-be! Also, if you want alternatives to medical school, this page will help you to find links to physician assistant schools, etc. And if you're in the mood for some high-sticking, board-checking, ice-cold bone-crushing HOCKEY, there's some links here you may be interested in...
GAME ON!!!!!
My name is Robert R. Baber, aka HockeyDoc©. How did I get that name? It's a nickname I received due to the fact that I have a very bad addiction to playing both roller and ice hockey, and I AM GOING TO BE A PHYSICIAN!
Hockey and medicine are two very major facets of my life. Hockey because I enjoy the physical activity of the sport and it's something my best friend Tony and I have learned and improved on together. But medicine is probably the most influential motivation in my life right now as I do not go one single day without feeling butterflies in my stomach at the idea of someday being called "Dr. Baber" and being able to help someone escape disease.
To learn more about my life, please click below next to Personal Information.
Links to the World(
(The icons to the left of each subtitle are links !!!)
are some beautiful pictures of my favorite city San Francisco, from KPIX
SanFrancisco Live.
stepfather runs two very successful pages here in Fresno, his businesses
Fresno-Online and Compugraph
International are two companies which deal in advertising, graphic
arts, and internet services.
out my friend Rick's WWW homepage called American
Elite on Capitol Hill here in the Geocities domain. This page is not
for those of the "poor me" flavor.
friend Dennis' WWW Homepage
is in the Primenet domain and is really cool, he's made a lot of changes.
you ever feel like making fun of someone's head like Stuart MacKenzie,
check out the "So I Married An Axe Murderer Page" from Angus
and Ian's Kilt Shoppe."Move that bloody melon of yours, if ya
can!" or you'll be crying yourself to sleep tonight on your huge pilla.
I want everyone to bow with reverence to the Chicago Blackhawks© & ChicagoCubs©.
absolutely love these teams!!!
E-mail Me... at the following addresses...
and get my's
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