Merry Meet-
Welcome to my attempt to assist in the healing of both
critters and people
through the world of Cyberspace.
The name of my page comes from the Blue Candle that would be used in a Wiccan healing ritual. I would like to assist as many as possible in feeling better about themselves, as I feel that this is where true healing must begin.
Self Healing Tip:
By now most people know or have heard that sugar is addictive. Did you know it can also cause headaches, mood swings, and food cravings? As with most things, some people are more susceptable than others to the effects of sugar. If you would like to find out if sugar may be part of the reason for your depression, try not eating any sugar for a week. Not only the obvious culprits, cake, candy, ice cream etc, but also breads, pasta, fruit, and juices. Protien, vegatables, and some fats (butter mayo etc) should make up the entire diet for a week (or as long as you can stand it). See how you feel. For more information on the effects of sugar in your system check out:
Sugar information
Be aware that many so-called essential oils aren't! These scented oils, usually synthetic, although sometimes made up of true essential/natural oil blends, are fine for scenting your home and making things smell good. It is not a good idea to use them for Aromatherapy, however. Some synthetic blends can cause severe headaches when inhaled in a concentrated form; also many of the benefits derived from oil are due not only to the scent that we perceive, but also to the chemical make up of the natural oil.
Scott Cunningham's
Magical Aromatherapy
No names will be used.
I am not neccessarily recommending the diet and/or products on the above page, but they do have some excellent information available
One of my favorite books on aromatherapy is:
Please e-mail your stories. Wonderful people have found their way here Since I started this page.
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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. The tips and advise on this page
are things that I have discovered from battling bouts of
depression (successfully) for apprx. 20 years.
They are for use by people who will take responsibility for their own actions ONLY!