Inspired by the stricken success of America's War on Drugs, a new partnership has been formed to fight another age-old evil - a hidden addiction that has afflicted humanity for millennia: Art. Because of its insidious nature, Art rarely kills its victims directly, but a careful examination of art history reveals that many of the most celebrated overdoses, suicides, murders and accidents have this one source in common.
Art Kills - and it's time to recognize Art for what it is: the most dangerous "Gateway Drug" of all.
People Fighting For Freedom From ART has been formed to expose and address this killer, that in spite of television, government indifference and corruption, and the Republican Party, still masquerades as merely another expression of cultural diversity.
PFFFFART's goal is nothing less than the eradication of Art, saving millions from a life of self-delusion and self-destruction --a life that has rarely made anyone happy, least of all artists, whose histories, whether they toil in obscurity and failure or rise to fortune and fame, are almost without exception, tragic.
It won't be easy. Unlike drugs, alcohol, gambling and serial murder, Art has long enjoyed a glowing reputation -- even among those who hate it. The answer to this contradiction lies in the short-term effects of Art on the unfortunate addict. While reveling in Art's euphoria, the artist, poet, writer, musician, actor, or other victim, is moved to hallucinatory eloquence - rather like the opium user. In a moment of rare and tragic clarity, Kipling said "Words are the most powerful drug used by man."
Worse yet, the Art-Industrial Complex has a huge financial stake in the enslavement of artists. Not merely the producers of "fine* art" paraphernalia - whose clientele is necessarily somewhat limited in numbers, but the suppliers of paint, brushes, and embroidery supplies to millions - yes millions of Americans engaged in the "nicer*" hobby of "decorative art," which, contrary to conventional wisdom can lead to more serious involvement and addiction.
*To explain this distinction, I must quote one of Art's most notorious victims, Oscar Wilde, who said: "It is nicer to beg - but it is finer to steal."
The other side of Art - the poverty, depression, homelessness and lack of dental benefits, are never discussed by those interests (galleries, concert halls, museums, and libraries) who stand to profit from the ruined lives of those who pursue Art. And while millions of dollars change hands yearly over the works of safely dead artists, a hundred thousand kids will set out on a life of uselessness, too often leading to an early and very bad end.
In short, the World is in Denial.
Join with PFFFFART to stamp out Art; we can all live without it!
- This Is Your Brain On Art
- Art That Kills:
Christo, Jean-Claude,
and the Murderin' Bumbershoots
- Terrorism:
The ART Connection!
- Giant Dog Poop Sculpture Escapes Museum;
Terrorizes Children!
- "How can I know if my child is doing Art?"
- This is Your Kitchen on Art
- Don't Just STAND There - Do Something!
- Let's Make Laws
- Urgent action! Drop a dime
(or just a penny) on Congress
- The Cruelest Hoax - Art "Therapy"
- Casualties of Art Dept.
- a list that may never stop growing
- Poverty and Art
From the Mouths of the Horses
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