Buffy Crew Homepage

'Are you trying to get yourself killed?! You can't leave me. I can't do this alone.' -Buffy


Hi Sarah!! 3/14/02

In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.

Well here are the results of the TV Guide Poll:
Top Ten Buffy Episodes
10. Something Blue (Willow's "Will Be Done" spell needs a little work. Spike and Buff plan a wedding)
9. Doppelgland (Bad Willow is back and beastly, but pretty hot)
8. Surprise (Buffy and Angel do the nasty with even nastier results!)
7. (Tie) Passion (Bad Angel terrorizes the Scoobies and kills Jenny) & The Prom (Buffy takes on the Hounds of Hell and gets an umbrella)
6. Angel (Buffy and Angel's first kiss and his GRRR is revealed)
5. The Wish (Evil alternate Sunnydale without Buffy. Welcome Anya)
4. Graduation Day, Part 2 (Big snake-buh bye Angel)
3. Welcome to the Hellmouth (Buffy moves to Sunnydale in the first episode ever!)
2. Becoming, Part 2 (Angel's soul is restored) And the number one Buffy episode of all time...
1. Hush (Who can forget the "Gentlemen" and the spooky 29 minutes of silence from earlier this season?)

Page Last Updated: 06/30/00

HEy guys, Sarah here. School is over and im ready to make this site grat for the new 2000-2001 season. Get ready for some new pics, new info, and some insite into the new season.

****NEW RUMORS-2/29/00****
OLDIE BUT GOODIE...Buffy and Angel goodbye sound from the Becoming part 2...GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!!

"Don't worry. If I kiss you it'll make the sun go down.-Riley

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1997 Finn427@mailcity.com


"Buffy, i think Oz got out of his cage again!"

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