Operation: Crazy Quilt

What is Operation Crazy Quilt?

It is an opportunity for members of the OBSSE to express
their gratitude to Gillian Anderson for her inspiring
portrayal of Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully, M.D.

You must be a member in good standing of the

to participate.

Members who are not subscribed to the mailing list are
also welcome (and encouraged!) to participate.


Where we are right now:

We are going ahead with an illuminated manuscript style, resembling something that would have actually been made in a medieval abbey, i.e. an illuminated manuscript, sidebars, and artwork throughout. We are going to call it The Book of Saint Scully.


*A Note About Confidentiality

This project will not be released, in whole or in part,
to anyone but Ms. Anderson.

The organizers of this project respect the privacy of each member who submits something. Thus, only the organizers of this project (three people at this time) and probably a printer or binder will see the project before it is sent to Ms. Anderson.

Contributors are of course free to do with their own submissions as they see fit.



The deadline for all submissions has been changed to March 3.


Guidelines for submissions:

*You may submit either one email/handwritten message OR one full-page piece of artwork. A special request: Before working on other submissions [see below], please do one of these, as they are the "meat and potatoes" of our project.

*Please be sure to include with your submission the items you want in your "signature": Real name, Abbey name (Sister or Brother So-and-So), and/or email address. 

E-mail messages/handwritten letters

*These should fit within a space no more than 6.5 inches wide and 9 inches tall.
*Included under this category are filks, original songs/poetry, letters, stories, just about anything, including humor (our group is based on humor after all), as long as it is not disrespectful.
*Please compose your letters as if you were writing directly to Ms. Anderson.


*We are looking for 3 sizes/types of artwork.
(Click on the links for examples.)

*The first type is a Full-Page piece of art, which should be no larger than 6.5 inches wide and 9 inches tall. (Artwork can be smaller than the given measurements, but not any bigger, or it will not fit into the Book.)

Illuminated Letters
*These should be no larger than 3 inches by 3 inches.
(Actual size of letters when used in the "book" may vary.)

Available Letters:



Page Illustration

*This will be like a banner or a sidebar to text.

*These should measure 3 inches in height and 6.5 inches in width (to run horizontally across a page) or 3 inches in width and 9 inches in height (to run vertically).


More than one Illuminated Letter and/or Page Illustration per person may be submitted. However, we cannot guarantee that they will all be used.

Priority will be given to an image by someone who has submitted nothing else over a multiple submission by another member. After that, we will try to accommodate all of the other submissions.

Those with multiple submissions will be asked to CLEARLY indicate ONE Illuminated Letter or Page Illustration as first choice to be used. We will try our darnedest to get it into the Book. After all first choices have been used, we will use the "extra" submissions as necessary.


Acceptable File Types:

*We accept original artwork on paper, cloth, etc. Anything we can mount to paper.

*We also accept electronic art as email attachments. These should be saved
as high-resolution .jpg files from your graphics package. We can also take
PhotoShop or Illustrator files. The file size should be kept to under 500K.
If your file is OVER 500K, please contact the fine folks at OCQ for delivery


Content of Submissions:

*The only thing we ask is that the submissions be respectful and not overly personal. We want to make Ms. Anderson feel good about this gift, not creep her out.

*You might also want to send messages through the spellchecker. ;-)

*Here is a good example of a letter to Ms. Anderson.

*If you wish to submit a handmade item, please email operationcrazyquilt@yahoo.com for mailing details.

*Be creative.  


Cover Design Contest

We are taking submissions for a cover design/concept. The size guidelines will be the same as those of the full-page artwork. Members of the OBSSE will vote on the entries, with the winner gracing the cover of the final product. We are not limiting the number of submissions for the cover contest, but please don't get carried away.

Submitting something to the cover contest does not exclude you from being able to also submit an item for inside the book. 


Since some people have asked:

If you want to help out with the cost of the project, your donations of time, materials or money would be welcomed. We won't have a good idea of the final figure until we receive all the submissions, but if we receive monetary donations over that amount, the extra funds will be donated to NF, Inc.


Check back for updates!

If you have any questions or want to know how you can help,
send an email to operationcrazyquilt@yahoo.com