Episode 19 sesong2: REST IN PEACE

"My name is Jen Lindley and I was friends with Abby. As much as anyone could be friends with Abby, since she had a toxic personality bordering on radioactive. Abby could be cruel. She could be spiteful. She was certainly petty. She spent her days mischievously stirring up trouble, creating calamity and taking pleasure in other people's pain. In Sunday school, they teach us that God made man in His image. So if God created Abby in His image, what does that say about God? God has always been a mystery to me. What kind of deity creates a world full of such tragedy and suffering?

Abby taught me a lot. She taught me how to do a tequila slammer with one hand behind my back. She taught me how to live life by my own set of values, not to just blindly follow the crowd, in hopes of winning some phantom popularity contest. But, most of all, I think she taught me about the true sadistic nature of our God. And while that knowledge is disturbing, it is true. It is real. And in this society, so saturated with phoniness and lies, for that little bit of harsh honesty, I will be eternally grateful to her."

"There are people in my life who give me comfort. When the going gets tough, as it invariably does, I can count on them for a shoulder to cry on -- they will lift me up when I fall, they will hold me in their arms as I cry and tell me, 'Everything's going to be okay.' I am so thankful for those people. They are priceless. But there is another group of people, just as important, just as priceless. They are the people who challenge me, who push me to the breaking point and force me to muster courage I never thought I had. Abby was one of these people and in her own truth-telling way, she gave me strength. I am a stronger woman because of Abby Morgan. Stronger than I ever thought I could be. This is a gift she gave me and I am so glad -- that she was a part of my life. Abby was one-of-a-kind. There was nobody like her and she will always hold a special place in my heart."