İnsanlar çeşitli sorunları aşmak için dayanışma içerisinde olmalıdırlar. Bu sorunları aşmak için çeşitli yollar bulunmuştur. İşte İstatistikçilerin bu konuda geliştirdiği yöntemin bir aşaması da meslektaşların katılımıyla oluşturulan Mail Listeleridir. Bu raporda,UK temelli ALLSTAT Mail Listesine nasıl üye olunacağına ait bir takım ipuçları verilmektedir. ALLSTAT,Glascow Üniversitesi’ nce oluşturulmuş ve zamanla tüm dünyanın ilgi gösterdiği bir Mail Listesi haline gelmiştir. Türkiye’de de buna benzer çalışmalar Bilkent Üniversitesi’nce oluşturulan TURKSTAT İstatistik Listesidir.

Allstat ve diger listeler tek bir adresten yonetilmeye baslamistir.Bununla ilgili asagidaki bilgileri okuyununz.

Introduction to Allstat
Allstat is a UK-based worldwide e-mail broadcast system for the statistical community. This list is operated by the LTSN Maths, Statistics & OR Network, and maintained currently by Ewan Crawford in Glasgow. It is now housed at the CCLRC's (Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, Oxfordshire and is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils for England, Scotland and Wales. Previously, it was housed in Newcastle University's Mailbase system. Allstat is intended to provide a fast and simple way of sending information to a wide body of statisticians. The list was originally set up by David Kerridge in 1988, it was then taken on by Stuart Young in 1991, then Matt Whiley in March 1998, John D McClure in December 1999, and most recently by Ewan Crawford (in November 2000). Allstat currently has over 2600 list members. While, broadly speaking, any messages relevant to statistics are welcome, you are asked to observe the list guidelines outlined in this Introduction. Very briefly, the key points to remember are: - be sure Allstat is an appropriate forum for your message (there are many statistics lists in existence, covering various areas) - use meaningful subject lines, with keywords (e.g. CONFERENCE, JOB) - send plain text only (no PostScript, Word or encoded files) - send text in the body of your message; no attachments - no commercial advertising (however job notices, conference announcements, etc are permitted) - if seeking a reply, include your address in the body of your message (or in a signature file) - if replying, reply to the sender and not to the list All of these points are explained fully later, and you should read this Introduction thoroughly. Also available is a list of frequently-asked questions (FAQ) about list administration, which you may find useful if you have a technical query about how the list operates. Please make use of the Introduction and the FAQ list to help reduce the list owner's administrative work. Your assistance in this is appreciated. An on-line version of this Introduction file can be accessed through Allstat's Web site, at If you view this version, you will find links to many of the items mentioned in the text, as many resources are directly available on-line.

List Addresses
There are four e-mail addresses to note:


This address automatically broadcasts to the entire list. Only members of the list are permitted to use this address.


This should be used when sending commands, e.g. leave, join (see later)


Messages sent here will go to the list owner. Any administrative questions about Allstat should be sent here, although please note that, as well as the Allstat FAQ list, extensive JISCmail documentation is available to explain the facilities offered to users.


This address is that of the JISCmail team. Send any comments or queries about JISCmail here.

Please note the differences between these addresses, particularly



(ii). Commands should NOT be sent to as this address is ONLY for broadcasts.

Some useful commands

Note: If your mailer automatically appends a signature file to any messages you send out, you may find that the JISCmail software will attempt to interpret your signature as a command. To avoid this, insert two hyphens -- on a line by itself, after any other commands you type. All commands should be put in the main body of your message, and not in the subject field.

Remember that all commands should be addressed to

To join Allstat, send a message to containing the single line join allstat your name e.g. join allstat Ewan W. Crawford

If you have already joined the list, and think your name may have been incorrectly registered, simply resend the 'join' command with the corrected form of your name. To check your registration, see the 'review' command below. Note that you must supply at least two words as a name, so for example E.W.Crawford would be rejected (because there are no spaces and it is interpreted as a single word), but E.W. Crawford or E. W. Crawford are fine.

You may wish to receive Allstat in digest form. This allows you to receive messages from the list as a single large message. This digest will be sent every night, or when more than 20 messages have been sent to Allstat.

To receive Allstat messages as a digest, send a message to containing the single line set allstat digest To change back to receiving messages normally send a message to the same address containing the single line set allstat nodigest

To leave Allstat, send a message to containing the single line leave allstat

To obtain by e-mail an alphabetical listing of all those on Allstat, together with their e-mail addresses, send a message to with the command review allstat

It is a good idea to suspend your mail if you are going to be away for a period of time, as this can prevent your mailbox filling up while you are absent. To do this, send a message to with the command set allstat nomail

To reverse this on your return, the command is 'set allstat mail'. You can use the archives to catch up on any messages you missed.

Allstat also acts as an e-mail directory of statisticians. If you wish to appear in this directory for contact purposes, but do not wish to receive list mail directly, join the list in the usual way and then suspend your mail by following the instructions above. Note that you can still read the archived broadcasts, if you wish.

To find out all the JISCmail lists your e-mail address is registered on, send a message to with the command query *

To obtain by e-mail a list of available documentation about JISCmail, send a message to with the command info

List Archives
Messages to Allstat are archived. Each month's messages are grouped together, and retained for a year. To get a list by e-mail of all the files available (archived messages and other files), send a message to with the command index allstat

When you have found the month's archive you require, use the 'get allstat.LOGYYMM' command to have it posted to you. For example, to receive the October 2000 archive by e-mail, send a message to with the command get allstat.LOG0010

The Allstat website also includes a number of links to other statistical mailing lists.

Format for messages
Please send messages in plain text format only. If documents are available in other formats (e.g. Word, PostScript, etc) then by all means indicate this in your message and give instructions on how to obtain such files (e.g. on request by personal e-mail, or from a Web or ftp site). Since not all users are able to handle these alternative formats, please limit your Allstat broadcasts to plain text, and ensure that the text is carried in the main body of your message; do not send attachments to the list.

Some mailers have the facility to send encoded messages, which are unreadable until decoded. Please take care that you do not unwittingly select this option.

If you are looking for replies to a message you are sending, you should ensure that your own e-mail address is listed somewhere in the body of the text. Some mailers can have difficulties in handling the automatic header.

When sending seminar notices to the list, it would be most effective to do this once at the beginning of term. It is generally not very helpful to send last-minute reminders about seminars to a list which is as geographically spread as Allstat.

Subject lines
Members are asked to use meaningful subject lines when sending out broadcasts. The benefits are obvious, particularly when browsing through the archives for a specific message. In particular, posters are requested to use clear keywords in subject lines, to give an indication of content. The following convention has been adopted: JOB - jobs or studentships SEMINAR - seminar announcements CONFERENCE - conference announcements COURSE - taught course announcements WORKSHOP - workshop announcements ANNOUNCE - other announcements QUERY - for queries S/W ADVERT - for a software advert * BOOK ADVERT - for a book advert * ADMIN - administration messages (from the list owner) A sample subject line may read JOB: temporary lectureship at Glasgow University, UK Where appropriate, a geographical location should be included in the subject line. * The ADVERT categories are only to be used by the list owner, in forwarding messages from advertisers. See below for the guidelines on advertising on the list.

Virus alerts
Occasionally, rogue virus alerts crop up, warning of a virus which is spread simply by reading an e-mail. These are hoaxes, as you cannot catch a computer virus from a plain text e-mail message: another good reason for restricting broadcasts to this format. If you are worried about a virus alert, either consult a Virus Information Web site (e.g., or contact the list owner, rather than alarming the list, perhaps unnecessarily.

Forwarding messages
Broadly speaking, it is a breach of copyright to forward list messages without the author's permission. Often however, you may be sending an announcement to the list (e.g. conference publicity) which you would be happy for list members to forward to other interested parties. If this is the case, then it is recommended that you include a short sentence to this effect, either in the body of your message, or in your signature.

Changing your address
If your e-mail address should change, please ensure your Allstat entry is kept up-to-date. You can do this yourself, by leaving Allstat under your old address, and re-joining under the new one. The procedure for doing this is given earlier in this document. Note that this applies to any change, even something as apparently minor as a shortening of 'glasgow' to 'gla', for example.

When you send commands, such as 'leave' or 'suspend mail', to JISCmail, it uses your e-mail address to recognise you. If your address (in the 'From' field of your message) does not match up with your list registration on JISCmail, then the software will not recognise you, and will inform you that you are not registered on the list, and so you will be unable to unsubscribe yourself or suspend your mail. This is why it is important to keep your registration up-to-date. If you should find yourself in this situation, you can contact the list owner ( to correct matters for you.

If you are incorrectly registered, and you attempt to send a message to the list, then you will be prevented from doing so, as only recognised members are permitted to send Allstat broadcasts. This is another reason to make sure your registration is kept up-to-date. The command 'listme' is a useful way to check your registration. Please see the FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions) List for more detailed information about this. Keeping the list up-to-date helps with its smooth running, enables the JISCmail program to recognise you should you interact with it, and helps others who may wish to contact you.

Author : Dr Stuart G. Young Updated : 14th November 2000 by John D. McClure

Any comments/queries to :

Allstat Web site :

Jiscmail web site:Main web site