Frankers - Tue, 26 Jun 2001 15:31:03 +0100 |
Comments: Find me a monkey, shave it bald and give it too much dinner and I'll train it to be the guy off Liquid News. Does everyone have to be knowing, post-modern, and ironic* these days? I think the real reason Millard stands out (apart from her good looks) is her enthusiasm. Everyone else thinks it's so cool to be jaded. Nice site. * NB to any journalists out there reading this - please don't use the word ironic unless you're really sure that you know what it means. Thanks. |
Robert Fry - Sat, 23 Jun 2001 12:37:56 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: I agree with most of the comment of Rosie,herself in The Dress is stunning but have you seen todays Telegraph, page 3,Rosie & Jennie Bond, now there's a classy Lady and take a good look at those legs.It would be hard to choose between the two. |
Jenny Bower nee Millard - Fri, 08 Jun 2001 13:52:31 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: I am a great admirer of Rosie and wondered if she by any change originated in Staffordshire, where my grandparents came from. If this is so it will make by husbands day!! Sorry, don't know the answer to this one! Um... Rosie? Are you out there...? :-) -Ed. |
Peter Humphreys - Wed, 16 May 2001 08:18:37 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: ...and I thought I was the only one who had realised just how cute this woman was. Great site, I'm going to make it my homepage. More pictures PLEASE...
Lawriej - Fri, 11 May 2001 23:19:19 +0100 |
Comments: Loved the site... you better resurrect the 'save Rosie' campaign if the front page of today's Gueardian is to be believed |
martin - Sat, 12 May 2001 12:41:58 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Super sight keep working on it. Rosie you have taken over from Joan Bakewell,keep wearing the westward creations,it's very uplifting to see. |
Jake - Fri, 11 May 2001 11:40:04 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Well she can use her interview technique on me ANY time she wants. How do you spell phwoar? |
Blah - Mon, 23 Apr 2001 00:32:56 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Shouldn't we be mindful of the fact that La Millard, for all of her fulsome bosomness, isn't actually a particularly incisive journalist in the arts realm, and that the BBC is consistently scooped by every British newspaper. Just a point. Crowe (try Liquid News instead - far more intelligent) It's sad that BBC staff feel the need to bitch about their colleagues like this... -Ed. |
Tim - Sun, 15 Apr 2001 12:41:43 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Thanks for the great site. What a stunner Rosie is!! Having seen her pictures in last week's Sunday Mirror I did some searching I found your site. What about a section on Rosie's breasts - as mentioned by Liz Hurley at the Canne Film Festival, who commented: "Who's that girl with the magnificent breasts?" Who can argue with Liz, they are magnificent. |
Herbert D'Goblin - Thu, 05 Apr 2001 14:21:55 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Ain't she a babe? Excellent site - keep up the good work for all our sakes. |
Laney - Wed, 04 Apr 2001 18:18:44 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Darn it - missed the Oscars coverage. Hey, ed, sounds like I need to see them. And for myself I could live with Rosie in Maxim or FHM! Any pics of the divine one are good for me!! Erk! Unfortunately... I missed it too! --Ed. |
Andy - Tue, 03 Apr 2001 11:02:04 +0100 |
Comments: Thank you, thank you. Found your site after the Independent reported the Guardian's coverage (!). Yeah, your Rosie looks OK. But then I went to Daljit Dhaliwal's page. Never seen her before. WOW. |
barmy_baggy_boy - Sat, 31 Mar 2001 13:44:58 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Any sightings north of watford? |
Louis Billerey - Fri, 30 Mar 2001 23:26:53 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Thank you to the Guardian for pointing me this way and thank you tro those who made this exceptionaly interesting site/sight. Any one who works for the beeb and keeps her personality clear of complete madness is brilliant and deserves just such a tribute. lb |
Freddie - Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:54:30 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Great site! I thought Victoria Coren's comments in the Evening Standard earlier this week only goes to show how jealous of the lovely Rose other women get! |
Branners - Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:44:09 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Excellent site! Strikes a perfect balance between good humour and (well-deserved) idolatry! Hope La Belle Millard does not blow it by doing a Maxim shoot..... |
Peter - Fri, 30 Mar 2001 11:11:40 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Found the website, because of the Guardian, amusing in a weird kind of way, well done for all of your work.....have to admit, though, did see her on the Oscars coverage and she did catch my eye !!...... |
Mick Kelly - Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:51:03 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Brilliant! I have been an admirer for ages. Something about the girl. Then saw her reporting on the Oscars - THAT DRESS - THOSE(can i say this) breasts. I thought I was the only one - Then to my utter joy reading good ole Guardian and there she was - but more importantly there was the reference to a bloody website - Well done gang. |
- Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:12:54 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: The site is kiccking. I've long been an admirer. But I have to say its time you did one on Sophie Raworth. She is verrry hot! |
Mick - Thu, 29 Mar 2001 08:18:42 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: so when do we get to see a pic (or several) of the dress Rosie wore during her Oscars reports for BBC news? She, and the dress, is the subject of today's Pass Notes in the Guardian's G2 supplement. Um, soon... *soon*... very soon. Erm, soon-ish. Thanks for the Grniad tip, btw! --Ed. |
Dom Graham - Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:03:43 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Did you know you made page 3 of the Daily Mail today? However you are a bit of a sad puppy. Rosie Millard ????? |
Rizla Ranger UK - Wed, 28 Mar 2001 02:28:22 +0100 My Email: |
Comments: Ack! She is STILL the MOST lightweight reporter on TV! Not an ounce of ability or fashion sense does this woman(?) posess... She can't present, can't describe, can't [SNIP!] Right, that's quite enough of that. BOG OFF! --Ed. |
SEAN - Wed, 28 Mar 2001 22:41:46 +0100 |
Laney - Mon, 15 May 2000 18:41:56 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Obviously very late on the scene with this site but delighted to see the Millard has such a good fan. No better sight in the morning than a tantalising glimpse of the wonderful one and that awesome voice. Very very beautiful. Very very intelligent. Very very good at her job. BUT is the website no longer renewed. Rosie is in top form at the moment. Today in Cannes she was supurb. Hope you caught it. Long may Rosie grace our screens. Those eyes and sorry but the barnet change was a hit over here! Congrats on a great site Yep, sorry, my fault folks! I've been very busy recently and thus unable to keep up with the fast-paced jetsetting lifestyle of the Millard! I'm afraid I missed her Cannes appearance this morning, but I did catch her at the opening of the Tate Modern the other day, and she did look stunning... unfortunately she dazzled me for so long that I wasn't able to capture any pictures for you all! Sorry!
The bad news is... I'm probably going to be too busy to
update this site very much over rest of the year...
despite the Millard's very welcome omnipresence on our
screens. Do keep writing in with sightings though,
and I'll do my best to put them up. In the meantime,
here are a couple of recent pics of the Auburn One
(well, from February!) to appease the
faithful! -- (Busy!) Ed
Andrew Finnes - Wed, 10 May 2000 18:38:40 GMT |
Comments: Oh dear the novelty of this place seems to be wearing off somewhat |
John Amriding - Sun, 30 Apr 2000 17:00:18 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Fantastic!!! |
Stephers - Mon, 13 Dec 99 02:06:26 GMT My Email: |
Comments: u r pretty cool keep up the good work. i am a columbine student bye! |
Andrew Finnes - Mon, 15 Nov 99 13:49:55 GMT |
Comments: I have been a fan of hers ever since I worked in Barclays at Langham Place, (now Closed). She came in and asked if I pronounced my name Fines like the actor Ralph (another celebrity I have served) and I said no it is Fin-Ness which she thought was even nicer. She is very pretty and has a very sexy voice. Later she would come into Barclays at Oxford Circus and scowl at having to wait so long in the queue. Understandable really but I can honestly say that I always served as fast as possible when she was waiting. |
robert millard - Sun, 26 Sep 99 13:55:23 GMT My Email: |
just wanted to say hi!! are we related? |
Michael Flack - Tue, 31 Aug 99 09:42:28 GMT My Email: |
Comments: I was going to be a bit mean to Rosie (a so-called Arts correspondent who is only interested in showbiz gossip), and a bit patronising to you (this site bemuses me), but I looked at the Guestbook, and now I know that there are people who will describe Jennie Bond as "delectable" or who will go on about Edwina Currie's legs, I know that you got off lightly. Did someone mention Fiona Bruce, though? Oooh. michael,,, |
Scott Keir - Thu, 22 Jul 99 19:14:52 GMT My URL: - My Email: |
Comments: Thank you! I loved the site, funny without being cruel. It was very strange realising I'd experienced the same Millard instances as you: the Edinburgh Festival coverage (I wonder if I will see her this year?) the Cannes coverage, the Kidman debate. Apart from anything else, she's a good journalist. Oh, and surprised you haven't used the bad pun "Millardtime" on the site... At last! Someone with good taste! Cheers! -Ed |
John O'Connell - Sat, 19 Jun 99 13:26:44 GMT My URL: - My Email: |
Comments: Rosie Millard, hmm. She's OK I suppose. Not in Kirsty Wark's league though. I agree with the other chappie about Edwina Currie. She is a looker. Met her once, couldn't help noticing she has great legs. Lucky you, being interviewed by her on Radio 5 Live. Surprised you didn't rename your website afterwards. |
Rod Drew - Sun, 13 Jun 99 02:14:49 GMT My URL: - My Email: |
Comments: I concur with Leonid. What the fork do the BBC think they're playing at taking the truly delectable Jennie Bond off the 6.00 news for that Fiona whatsit. If Ms whatsit looks a quarter as good when she gets to 48 as the divine Ms B, she'll look many times better than she does now.
Ok, just for you two, here's a unique ``three-in-one''
picture of the utterly gorgeous Ms. Fiona Bruce!
Enjoy! -Ed.
Leonid - Sat, 12 Jun 99 10:18:06 GMT My URL: - My Email: |
Comments: Forget Millard - She's not a patch on Jennie Bond, who really does have legs to die for (not that you see them often). As for Edwina Currie - She's a babe for the discerning, too. Websites for both, someone. The insanity is spreading... -Ed |
Spyzer - Mon, 24 May 99 20:25:59 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Ian, your next mission - should you choose to accept it - is to get into printed media for doing something humourous and worthwhile, rather than something incredibly sad. Why not enter the celebrity game yourself? M4n U r s0 n0n-3l33+.... T4K3 y0uR J3D1 w3B-bR0wS3r! y00z 1+. STr1k3 M3 d0wN w1+H 4LL 0f y0Ur h4Tr3D 4nD y0uR j0uRn3y t0w4rDz +H3 M1Ll4rD s1D3 w1LL b3 c0mpL3+3! -D4R+H 3D |
Nick Carroll - Fri, 16 Apr 99 10:12:56 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Yes, the same as wrote last August ! Still checking in. She didn't come over too well when she presented PM on Radio 4 a few weeks back. Too lightweight and with another woman - shame no changing room cam ! Passing respects to Jill Dando recently. |
NONREV TOTHEBAR - Fri, 16 Apr 99 10:12:56 GMT My Email: |
Comments: I would love to have Cider with Rosie (or anything else for that matter!!!). She should be presenting Breakfast News with that extremely tall woman who presents it occasionally . (Unfortunately I can't remember her name!!!), and it should be on 7 days a week.
Rizla Ranger UK - Wed, 07 Apr 99 13:39:49 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Well, there's no accounting for taste, eh? The sad thing is that Rosie always reports the "plugged" story. She has never presented a "scoop" and it's always the same dry and arty chat. She's really boring, but I suppose she suits the boring subject.... Now, Lauren Taylor (ITN) is fitness supreme :) Big up for the website! It's great! Mystery Notice how most people who are mean to Rosie remain anonymous? It's because they're AFRAID of the WRATH OF MILLARD. And so they should be.... the.... the...blackguards! What do you mean by ``scoops''?? She's an ARTS correspondent, *not* a tabloid hack, *foole*. Incidently, who else reported on the opening night of MAMMA MIA? As for ``boring'', name me another journalist that will demonstrate her incredible dancing skills on live television at the slightest provocation! And who on EARTH is this Lauren Taylor, and who on EARTH would watch ITN when the Millard doesn't even present for it! Now, I want you to go away and think very carefully about what you've just said, young man...
Whoop - Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:15:03 |
Comments: I have no idea at *all* what all of this is about, however, I am *very* happy for you all the same. Whoop |
Lord Marcus of Derangedville - Sun, 14 Mar 1999 04:04:28 |
Comments: What a wonderul homage to the woman with the cushiest job in BBC News and Current Affairs! Keep up the good work ... |
Stuart - Sun, 7 Mar 1999 07:47:00 My Email: |
Comments: I am totally paralysed and seeing Rosie on breakfast tv makes waking up worthwhile. Why can't we see more of Rosie? I LOVE Rosie |
President, Free Ian Miller International - Tue, 16 Feb 99 04:53:06 GMT My Email: |
Comments: Rosie was actualy on TV in the States... but the sound was turned down... did she kill Pip?!? |
Kelp - Wed, 10 Feb 99 22:17:54 GMT My URL: My Email: |
Comments: Look I *just* want Rosie to pay some attention to the IDM scene ) |
Brian Pickrell - Wed Jan 27 23:45:33 1999 My Email: |
Comments: After viewing the Daljit Dhaliwal page at, I have to say that Rosie is much more beautiful than that horrible harridan. Ian, you've definitely hitched your cart to the right horse. Oops! That came out wrong. I'm sorry, Rosie, don't get mad or anything just because I compared you to a horse. |
Stu and Nick - Thu Jan 7 21:03:35 1999 My Email: |
Comments: Ian, you've obviously got too much time on your hands idolising some obscure ugly cow. At least you got your 15 mins of fame, but we have to say - KYLIE FOREVER !!!!!!! Don't ever come back to Eltham again 'cos there are queues of ugly red heads waiting to meet you... |
kelp - Thu Jan 7 13:53:43 1999 My URL: My Email: |
Comments: It's "an appreciation" not "a appreciation". He's Swedish. er... not that I've ever met him before in my entire whole life..! -Ed |
/Henrik - Tue Jan 5 16:20:44 1999 My URL: My Email: |
Comments: You've really convinced me, Ian! Wow! You really DO lack a life, as well as the rest of the weird ass limeys that signed your joke of a appreciation page! I vomit deepfried Marsbars in your general direction! Now I'm going back to read what other crap you've written on the list. I've never seen this person before in my life...! -Ed |
Nick - Tue Jan 5 11:32:15 1999 My Email: I think we'll keep that quiet (see below) |
Comments: You're obviously a lovely person whose put a lot of time and effort into a site for a complete drongo. Not only does Millard have an ego that should be pickled as a medical curiosity, but she's not too impressive when it comes to generating her own ideas - she's been kinown to badger other progs for contacts and stories and then nab them for news. Not very nice. By the way - Sir Ian may be an old luvvie but surely if Rosie had any talent apart from self-publicity, she'd have got a decent interview. Isn't she supposed to be a journalist (although the Today programme hate her cos she isn't) Why don't you try someone more worthy of your talents - Kirsty Wark for example. Or Katie Derham, who is a top lass Are you mad? I'm not a lovely person at all, and in fact, I'm going to come around and KNEECAP you for all the horrid things you just said about my Millard!! The Millard I know is a shy retiring flower, with no discernable ego whatsoever, who gives a delightfully down-to-earth perspective on the arts... you must speak of another. And with all due respect to the man, Sir Ian is a quintessential bore -- you couldn't squeeze a decent interview out of him if you put him through a mangler. Check out his website if you want to see ego in action -- he commissioned his, unlike Rosie. The point is, Rosie DID get a decent interview out of him: she stopped him in mid-ramble, before we all keeled over with underexcitement. As for Wark, yes, she is a babe, but the BBC already has a page about her, and she's very well known generally... the Web is in far more urgent need of a place dedicated to the Reporting Scotland Bird-Henderson-McNair Triumvirate. -Ed. |
Dave Millard - Fri, 18 Dec 1998 19:59:08 PST My |
Comments: Millards of the world unite! Great site, lots of fun. Next time I'm in the UK I'll keep an eye out for Rosie! |
Andrew Maltby - Thu, 3 Dec 1998 16:27:33 GMT |
Comments: Hello |
sjb - 11/30/98 07:56:06 My URL: My | Comments: Yes, yes, very witty Wilde ... -Ed |
sjb - 11/30/98 07:52:16 My URL: My | Comments: I think you people need to get a life! Comrades! We have in our midsts, an Enemy of the People... -Ed. |
Mitchell Tushingham - 11/08/98 23:12:51 | Comments: Sorry, Bob Truscott, but my name is real. Me and Mrs Tush can be found propping up the bar in the Red Lion, Bushey most nights or spotted walking our two dogs, Titch and Bruno. By the way, Sir Ian McKellen has no R in his surname. As for my critique of dear Rosie, I would never want to be accused of patronising her. She's a much too pretty little filly for that. |
Good to see some healthy debate going on here ... |
Nick - 11/08/98 22:49:27 My | Comments:
Any scan of last Friday? Are you kidding?! How could I have missed the Millard interviewing Wesley Snipes, and wearing the most unbelievably micro, micro-skirt imaginable? And with bare legs (or at least, highly translucent tights!) ... revealing perfectly smooth, shapely, tanned, long ... long... everso long... legs... <sigh> ... erm, where was I... yes, right, well, ahem, and it's all ...Coming to a Website near YOU Soon! Why the boos and hisses regarding Private Eye? Did you read what they actually said about her, the smug gits? Not only was it just plain mean, but most of it was completely untrue!! She was not happy, let me tell you... Apparently, they've all been to Oxbridge University (wherever that is) but that's no excuse for being mean to Rosie. -Ed P.S. Edwina already has a site... well, sort of... P.P.S. C'mon then Hislop, I'M 'ANDY!!! |
Bob Truscott - 11/05/98 22:38:45 | Comments: Mitchell Tushingham (made up name, obviously) was way off the mark with his criticism of Rosie. McKellern looked pissed to me and Rosie handled the luvvie very well. I'd like to have seen Mitchell trying to cope with him - he'd have eaten him for breakfast. |
( Hey, now just wait there one minute!!! Yes, it was a somewhat awkward -- and quite amusing -- interview, but that was primarily down to Sir Ian's awkwardness, and certainly not any fault of Rosie's! Sir Ian was basically playing down everything he'd actually said to the press in the previous few weeks, so you can't exactly blame Rosie for not being able to mindread! Also, it's not fair to expect her to be able to contain an interview perfectly within the miniscule time she is allotted on Breakfast Time, particularly when it's with a luvvie like McKellen who is bound to be inclined to ramble somewhat... -Ed ) |
President, Free Ian Miller International - 10/29/98 09:11:59 My URL: My | Comments: Don't worry Ian! There are thousands of supporters working for your freedom! We will soon have you back on the streets stalking all sorts of television personalities! VIVE L'IAN |
(Cheers Oden, your ``help'' has been noted. -Ed) |
sophie - 10/28/98 13:13:19 | Comments: Ian, can you believe they've banned e-mail practically everywhere between the hours of 9 - 18!! Seeya! |
Laura Marcus - 10/27/98 12:03:05 My | Comments: Heard about the page on Late Night Currie, BBC Radio Five. I think the page is fantastic. Very funny and very well done. Can you believe that APPALLING woman Edwina Currie actually said for no-one to bother doing a page on HER!! I mean, as if! I also think Rosie is great and a wonderful sport about the whole thing. Wish I had her legs, her face, her daughter, her career her success. But most of all, a web following. Terrific. Well done. Thought you came across well on the radio too. Oh and yes, do make her the new Film 00 presenter. Bazza can go get stuffed selling out to Murdoch's shilling. I'll never, ever, feel the same way about HIM. |
Thanks Laura! Looks like you may have your wish with respect to a website (see above!) And don't be too harsh on Mrs. Currie -- I think I got off lighter than I could have done. I'm relieved that you thought I sounded ok... I was worried that I might have come across as a bit of a loon. -Ed |
Bruce - 10/26/98 22:39:49 My | Comments: Rosie is fine but what about Sophie Rayworth. she is a star. my angel! |
(Heresy! Only kidding... Sophie is dead cute, but she's no Rosie. There's only one Rosie. There can be only one! -Ed) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
ewan - 10/24/98 18:25:44 My | Comments: Worst moment of my life? Was in a hotel room in High Wycombe during the Edinburgh Festival dance routine. I live in Edinburgh. I felt so homesick at that moment! Rosie is the brightest most wonderful woman on the box, worth getting up early incase some artist has died and Breakfast Time needs a five minute piece in the studio! Long may she reign Rosie, if you read this, drop me an email, it would make me incredibly happy! |
Bob Patterson - 10/23/98 12:24:55 My URL:/broadway/alley/4494 My | Comments: Saw Rosie's great legs in one of your tabloids while visiting in Fareham from California to perform with Tortilla Flats on October 10th. Loovly lady. |
amina - 10/20/98 22:52:42 My | Comments: she's wonderful and inspirational! Keep up the good work Rosie. |
Nick Carroll - 10/16/98 13:51:38 My | Comments: Homed in on the micro-skirt reference made by Private Eye ( 16-10-98 ). All I can say is Tee Hee, Tee Hee, Tee Hee. ! All the best Nick |
Justin Ward - 10/15/98 18:48:12 My URL: My | Comments: Rosie tried to chat me up at a party a couple of years ago. She had some of those little wings on her back. She must have been well pissed. |
(You lucky git!! -Ed) |
jonathan - 10/14/98 21:24:00 | Comments: sorry, I was looking for something about wild ducks, but most impressed, anyway. |
(Easily the best comment so far! ;-P -Ed) |
Jules Millard - 10/12/98 17:57:41 My URL: My | Comments: And Lo, there were more Millards on the net! Excellent site, jolly good fun!! |
Duncan Lynskey - 10/12/98 17:46:11 My URL: pg=q&text=yes&kl=XX&q=duncan.lynskey&act=search My | Comments: I've been a fan of Rosie since she was a reporter on Meridian News down here in Kent. All hail Rosie, the Queen of Arts! |
Sandi Mitchell - 10/11/98 20:01:18 My Email:mitchfam@lineone | Comments: Listened to the radio last night whilst driving back from Bath and heard the piece about this website. It was the first I had heard about it and hearing you squirm when you had to speak to the lady herself was just so funny. You were like a naughty sc ool boy almost lost for words. Anyhow how could I not give it the once over.. and I have to say it is brilliant. So well done. Congratulations, and give yourself one of those gold stars we used to get for good work at Primary School. WELL DONE 10/10 |
Bill - 10/11/98 13:45:25 | Comments: A woman to make your heart go "dring!" |
Ivor Hoole - 10/10/98 08:37:22 My URL: My | Comments: Wonderful! And those legs.... Sign me up as a life long member of the appreciation society. Well done. |
Peter Stace - 10/10/98 02:44:20 My | Comments: Excellent site, lovely legs - good choice. |
Stephen Gilkes - 10/09/98 16:28:04 My | Comments: Leave it out!! |
kelp - 10/09/98 11:58:41 My URL: My | Comments: How do you view the guestbook then eh? |
Terry Payne - 10/08/98 22:15:50 My URL: My | Comments: Rosie Millard - yet another thing to become homesick about (yup, she's up there with Marmite, Monster Munch and Irn Brew)... |
Danger Mouse - 10/08/98 22:12:01 My | Comments: Superb site - great idea - very original. She IS stunning (good god those legs!) and we should see more of her. Get her in Loaded or FHM! Whoohey!!!!!! |
Calvin Bailey - 10/08/98 16:33:47 My | Comments: IAN MILLER!!! YOU'RE A HERO!!!! TOP STUFF!!! TOP PAGE!!! TOP BIRD!!! Speak to you soon, CALVIN (Andys mate) |
Andrew Miler - 10/08/98 12:30:10 | Comments: Saw your page featured in the Daily Mail. I think it's great but I can understand if Mr Millard is getting a tad upset... (fanaticism perhaps verging on the unhealthy?). I agree she'd be a better front than tired old Baz Norman to Film 98. |
Bernie Edwards - 10/08/98 09:13:28 My | Comments: You got good publicity in the Daily Mail which is what led me here. Excellent site and a super lady. Cant agree more with all your comments. Lets give Rosie a voice in Britains arts policies!!! |
John Tyzack - 10/08/98 07:10:53 My URL: My | Comments: What style, what grace it really is a lovely thought that now we can see Rosie anytime of day or night. The 'Arts' are going to take on a new interest in our household. Best wishes to the Creator and the Created. John T |
Gordon Callison - 10/07/98 21:31:04 My | Comments: I'm getting interested in arts! |
Derek - 10/07/98 19:28:24 My URL: | Comments: Classic site and it would appear that you've really upset the hubby. |
bruce - 10/07/98 18:41:10 My | Comments: Excellent site, now how about doing a site on that slightly older megababe - Anna Ford! |
Greg - 10/07/98 12:18:56 My | Comments: Well done Rosie, From an old Brighton and Kings Road friend. Greg |
Jack Taylor - 10/07/98 11:57:49 | Comments: I think she's quite cool as well. But don't go overboard. Millard trivia? I think she studied at Hull University, which is what sets her apart from all the Oxbridge people at the BBC. But check that. |
Jerry Chester - 10/07/98 11:48:19 My | Comments: You are a REAL fan !!!!!!! I'd like to get you some more publicity on the wonderfully named Late Night Currie show on BBC Radio 5 Please e-mail me with a contact number or email address |
Clive Smith - 10/07/98 07:49:30 My URL: My | Comments: Great to see I'm not the only Rosie Millard fan and I'm old enough to be her father - just! |
Eddie Dowds - 10/07/98 05:39:51 My URL: My | Comments:I'll Sign Your Book
- 10/06/98 13:24:25 | Comments: |
Sanjuro Spice - 10/05/98 14:28:51 My URL:/Hollywood/Trailer/5735/ My | Comments: Hello... will somebody please WRITE SOMETHING, before Rosie gets mad... you wouldn't like her when she's angry ... |
Sanjuro Spice - 10/05/98 14:16:40 My URL: My | Comments: Erm... just testing ... |