As Seen On ... Radio! |
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IntroIn recent times there has been a trend on the Internet, to pick an obscure television presenter - the more obscure the better - and create a Web page devoted entirely to their celebration. GMTV presenter Penny Smith, Tomorrow's World presenter Philippa Forrester, and C4 newsreader, Daljit Dhaliwal, exemplify the lesser known celebrity, catapulted to lasting Internet fame, as a result of this phenomenon. The reason for this trend is pretty simple: the more obscure the celebrity in question, the more likely it is that the Web page will be - at least for a short while - unique in its content! And so the race is on, to find ever more unknown media figures to worship publicly...! So, it was partly with this in mind - and partly out of genuine adoration - that I have created this page dedicated entirely to the gorgeous Rosie Millard. And I am proud to announce that this is the first ever Web page to be dedicated to this wonderful person, though it may well not be the last ... who knows? But let us revel in this uniqueness while it lasts ... Yes, but who is Rosie Millard??Who is Rosie Millard? Are you completely mad??! She is the BBC Arts Correspondent for Breakfast News (as well as many many other BBC news programmes!), of course! Apparently, she is also some time arts correspondent for various quality newspapers ... so there! Not only that ... she is an exemplary instance of that rare species, lesser known megababe!
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Ok, so what is so brill about Rosie Millard? Well, I'll tell you what is brill about her. She is just so very very very cute. She is pretty, intelligent, whacky, curvaceous, demure, and ultimately, incredibly incredibly sexy. I could say more, but you get the picture. She is also very very married by the look of that ring on her finger, so ... things aren't looking up ... which is a shame, because if she married me, then, she wouldn't have to change her surname ... much.
Ok, I'll level with you: I don't know much more than that, other than, she is a joy to watch on the telly. Her presenting style is at the same time dizzy, yet intelligent, and her diplomacy is rare amongst arts critics in that she's still nice about things that she's doesn't like, and never authoritarian in her judgement. Someone has said that her voice has a nice ``gurgle'' to it - I would agree with this, and add that she reminds me very much of a quirky primary school headmistress, in that her voice has stern, and yet kind-hearted qualities to it, all at once. In fact, I'll go further than that, there is a slight growl in her voice, almost a purring quality... like... a tigress... rrrr! Hopefully more factual information about her life and career will follow at a later date, which shall really do this goddess of the airwaves justice! +++ Stop Press +++ New Bio Information +++We can now confirm that the Millard is a graduate of Hull University, where she studied English (and Drama?). We also hear on the grapevine that her fave nightspot in Hull was the Silhouette, so if you're ever inspired to make a pilgrimage to Hull, that is no doubt the best place to pay homage! Visitors to the Hull Alumni pages a while back, would have been shocked and appalled at the inexplicable omission of Hull's most important and most curvaceous alumnus from their page listing famous alumni. However, thanks to direct action by this site, this situation has now been rectified! Huzzah! A repentant Alumni Officer wrote:- Rosie Millard will be added pronto! Watch that web site! [...] Rosie Millard came back to the University to give a lecture on how she found a route into journalism/media/BBC correspondent (Arts) - so to omit mentioning her is a capital offence.Too right! And it seems (as promised) that we even got Millard listed higher up on the page than Juliet Morris... though admittedly that does appear to be an artefact of alphabetical ordering.... Some Magic Millard MomentsThe latest Millard moments are now housed in The Gallery Millard >>>Here are just some of my favourite highlights from the Millard's career: Interviewing John Travolta at CannesI think this is when I first fell in love with the woman. As she introduced her pre-recorded interview with John Travolta, she owned up that she had always had the hots for him as a youth, and this certainly came out during the interview! She was breathless, and swooning like a teenager, for the entire time! But the real magic moment came when John Travolta actually asked her if she had seen the new musical production of Grease and what she thought of it - she could barely stutter out the words in answer to the question - I honestly thought she was going to faint, there and then! How sweet! Rosie has a brief word to say about the interview herself, at the BBC News website. She describes the interview as ``somewhat bizarre'' because of the ludicrously inconsiderate time restriction that was imposed ... but we know there were other reasons for her being flustered, right? ;-) Dancing at the Edinburgh Festival (14/8/1998) | |||||||
![]() Rosie reporting from the Edinburgh Festival - check out those pins! | |||||||
This was the event that finally prompted me to set up this page. What happened was, she signed off her report from the Edinburgh Festival by introducing a trio who were to play Viva Las Vegas, and then when the band started to play she remained on stage ... and went mental, dancing like only a crazy fun-lovin' chick can! But this was no embarrassing effort such as might be made by any other woman of the same delicate demeanour. Oh no. Her dance was an eclectic and visually stunning cross between the Charleston, the Twist, Riverdance, and that bloke out of the Prodigy. It was f***ing cool, trust me. And at the time, she was wearing a suit with a short skirt, which showed off admirably her full and shapely legs. Back in the studio, the comment was: ``Now you won't see many BBC correspondents doing that.'' | |||||||
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What a woman. Discussing Nicole Kidman... (28/9/1998)On this occasion Rosie was invited onto Breakfast Time as a guest to discuss the furore over the rave-reviews that Nicole Kidman had been getting from an almost exclusively male circle of theatre critics over her appearance in The Blue Room, a stage-play in which she... well, gets some of her kit off... occasionally. | |||||||
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Rosie was, as always, very gracious and magnanimous, saying that yes, Ms. Kidman was both great in the part, and also utterly gorgeous, but that too much fuss was being made over her appearance in what was not actually a very spectacular piece of playwriting. She also pointed out, repeatedly (each time with a huge grin on her face) that, in any case, Kidman's male co-star had appeared fully in the nude, and had actually done cartwheels in this state of undress! The whole interview was pretty funny, as throughout, the Millard remained quite wide-eyed and incredulous about the whole fuss being made over Ms. Kidman! She also expressed exasperation at the comments of The Telegraph's theatre critic, who had summed up the play as ``pure theatrical Viagra''. | |||||||
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Well, Rosie, please don't take this the wrong way... but you are pure televisual Viagra ... ! I'm not entirely sure about your new barnet though... What about those legs? | |||||||
![]() Those legs in detail: Rosie Millard at the Fringe Festival 1998 | |||||||
Rosie LinksWell, the Web is pretty sparse with Millard-related pages right now, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because it effectively makes me the Minister for Millard Propaganda, but bad, because it means millions of people all over the world may miss out on even knowing about the existence of the most gorgeous woman on the planet! BBC Reports
Millard on USENETUnfortunately, these were the only two USENET threads I could locate, concerning the Millard ...
Where is she?![]() Where is the Millard now? Do you know? She went missing from our screens for a while after the Edinburgh Fringe opened, prompting widescale panic throughout the country, amid rumours that she had been sacked by the BBC for being too post-modern. However, these rumours were soon laid to rest when Rosie re-appeared on our screens within the month.... the BBC would never sack its greatest asset, and risk losing its charter now, would it? So, in order to avoid any unnecessary civil unrest in the future, we shall regularly publish reports of any Millardsightings here, to reassure Rosie's anxious public of Her continued patronage of the UK's media scene. Reports of any sightings are welcomed, particularly those of an in-person nature! Recent Sightings
The Campaign![]()
Sadly, this campaign is now defunct, as the BBC
*foolishly* made the silly *silly* decision to employ
Jonathan Ross (of all people!) to do Rosie's job!
From the BBC's Radio 1 Newsbeat website:- Barry Norman Leaves the BBC So... Barry Norman has sold his soul to the Devil (no, not Bill Gates, the other one!) and decided to do his film review stuff on satellite from now on ... and the big question is: whom are the BBC going to get to carry on the great Film '00 tradition?
Isn't it OBVIOUS?
We, the people, respectively request of the BBC, nay we demand, that Dame Rosie of Millard henceforth, and forthwith, and with immediate effect, be appointed as the BBC's new weekly short-skirt-wearing film-review goddess!! All those in favour, yell ``AYE''. AYE!!!!!
Register your support for this campaign NOW, by... erm....
making a lot of noise on USENET, and... generally, being
attention-seeking. And will someone please design one of
those neat button thingies that all Millardites supporting
the campaign can stick on their web-pages? I'm sure there must
be... ooh, tens of people that want to get
involved in this...! The BBC must come to realise that
we Millardites will stop at nothing (requiring
more than a certain degree of effort) to achieve
more airtime for the object of our worship!
Should the author of this page be locked away for his own safety?No! Of course not! Well ... maybe. :)![]() * I've edited out the bits with me in, as they were *incredibly* embarrassing! Rosie sounds cool though, doesn't she? |
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