Hippieone's Home Page

'Deadicated' To The Music That Changed My Life

Barefootin' Allowed!

Hey Now! Welcome to my 'Deadicated' page! The reason for this page, is the wonderful music that my, now, husband introduced me to on St. Patricks Day 1995. That was the day I went to my very first Grateful Dead show. From that day on I was "On The Bus".

I "got it" from the moment I heard the Grateful Dead for the very first time. My husband, Josh, sugested that I get a few tapes to prepare for the show. I, of course at the time, knew nothing of "Taping", so I got 2 albums from the local music store. They were "Skeletons From The Closet" and "Mars Hotel", I think. That was at the insistance of my hubby. I have since replaced both tapes at least 2 or 3 times each. I guess he made some good suggestions!

That weekend changed my life. I never even got in to see the show! Just the lot was enough for me. Don't get me wrong! I was right out there with two fingers in the air singing "I Need A Miracle" along with everyone else! But, after we got sold bogus tickets, I just gave up the thought of getting in and enjoyed the lot.

I learned so much that weekend! I never knew life could be that way! Everyone was loving life and having a blast! There were sights, sounds, and smells for miles. I'll never forget the chill in the air along with the smell of veggie burritos, and an entire buffett of food, the hiss of the nitrous tanks, the sounds of every van I passed on "Shakedown" blasting their own special show. All of the people hugging, singing, dancing, drumming, and vending. It was like heaven, except I didn't bring enough clothes! It must have been about 30 degrees that night, and all I had was shorts and one set of sweat pants. I was COLD! So, I drank beer and danced to keep warm.

I have learned alot about the "Dead Scene", since then. I have become a "Full Fledged Hippy", dreads and all! I have practiced vegetarianism sporatically, have become a real animal person, and have become a "Tree Hugger". (That's what my husband calls me, anyway.) This seems to be my little niche in life. I realize alot of people out there can't appreciate it, but the Hippy/Dead Head lifestyle is one to be proud of!

Josh, my husband, and I moved to South Forida a couple of years ago. We were "Movin' to where the climate fits our clothes". We found a great local scene keeping the life and love alive. Alot of it revolves around a band called Crazy Fingers. They are "S. Florida's #1 Grateful Dead Tribute Band". I know some of you will be thinking..."another stupid rip-off band", but these guys aren't. They have a very large following and their original songs are great. They aren't "Dead" copies. They have a great inginuity and just that little hint of something special. We have other "Dead" tribute bands that aren't bad, either. They are Uncle John's Band, and B.O.B. They each have their own vibe.

Since finding Crazy Fingers, we have found Grateful J's Dead Head Shop and alot of new friends! Grateful J is one of them! All of the people on the scene here are great! I just wish the whole world could be as openminded, giving, and peaceful! One of my friends from the scene, Alley Kat, even made my wedding dress, for only the cost of materials! (I'll have pics of that posted soon!)

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There's Barefootin' allowed there too!

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