Personalized Fan Fiction

Hey people, welcome to my new fan fiction idea! This is an uncompleted story, but before going on, you must read the concept.
First you enter your name and a few other facts, and then they are put into a fanfic. That's it in a nutshell (a really small one). Soon I plan to have many stories depending on if you're a guy or a girl/what character you like best/just general friendship stories or other stories. This is an original idea, I haven't seen it on any other sites, so hopefully it will be interesting! Well, right now the only story up is a partially completed one I just wrote today. It's a test run, so not really a good story, I'm in the process of writing better ones, but it is harder to write these. That was a long sentence. If you don't have a JavaScript enabled browser, I'm sorry, but it won't work. Explorer versions 3 and 4 have it, and Netscape 3 and above do, I believe. So go, have fun, and email me with your comments! My email is

Can't Hardly Wait
This story is a Pacey romance, so if you don't like Pacey...or are waiting for a Joey or Jen story to get up, check back soon. You may want to try this anyways to see how it works!