This Page Was Last Updated On Novermber 7, 1999

Oh wow, I've updated, sort of. Right now I'm just tinkering around here and there. Sorry about the really sporadic updates, I've been busy with school and such. Well...I'll try to write more later when I figure out what I've done to this site.
If any of you have any fanfic that you want to post, email me w/ it! It doesn't have to be Pacey/Joey, but that is a big plus *wink, wink*...j/k, I don't discriminate.
If you haven't tried Interactive Fan Fiction yet go try it and give me feedback! I've gotten a lot so far, and thanks to you who sent it! If you'd like to write a story for the Interactive Fan Fiction part of this site, please send me an email at I'll try to write and get a new story up there as soon as possible! If you have any questions regarding this site, email me at

Type in the name of a color or the number or even type in your name, then click on the submit button, and the background will change to that color!
Wow, and here's my spiffed up tool bars, have fun!

I'd be most gratified if you signed my guestbook!

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