Updates Page
This is the page to check for all my updates. After I declare this site fully up and running, whenever I do an update, either story, poem, picture, etc it will be listed on this page and the date the update occured. I am doing this page for your convienence, so you don't have to check my whole site to see what is new.
Oct 10 (9:45pm) redid pic sections for Buffy, PtL, and Renegade
Oct 11 (7:15pm) Finished setting up new sections (Kindred, Highlander, Forever Knight, and SAAB) No stories as of yet. They will be posted as each is completed. I promise to try to have one story for each section by the end of November. Updated Links section.
Nov 10 (12:30am)This site is officially declared up and running. All links are now fully functional. New pics added to several sections. Links pages updated. A Kindred story and another sequel to my PtL series are in the works and hopefully will be up in a couple of weeks.
Nov 20 (2:30am) I have updated my links page and did a little work on my main page. The Kindred story is taking first priority in my writing right now. It is becoming a lot longer than I had planned, but the more plot the better. We'll just have to see how it evolves.
Dec 15 (4:55am) Sorry about the lack of updates, but I do have a life. I added the first part of my first Kindred fic. I also added a multimedia clips gallery, updated my links page, and added a list of all my Mp3's. I won't do much updating for a while, as the holidays are upon us. Enjoy!
Feb 2, 1999 (9:45 pm) Well, I am back from the holidays and back to updating. I manipulated some PtL pics and added them to the PtL section. I will be adding more in a few days. I also am creating clips and scans. So a larger media section will be created. I have also written a new short story (Buffy section) and started another (PtL section). They will be uploaded within the next couple of days, so check back soon.
Feb 5, 1999 (6:30 am) I created some more manipulated pics. I also added a link to the PtL media archive I am creating on the links page. Not all the sections to the PtL media archive are up yet but the ones that are have a few things on them. More stuff will be added to it soon. Haven't had a chance to put the new stories up though. That will be done over the weekend.