Rated G
Starring voices by: Tim Allen as Buzz,
and Tom Hanks as Woody.
Written by Andrew Stanton,
Rita Hsiao, and Doug Chamberlin.
Directed by John Lasseter.
Produced by Karent Jackson,
and Helene Plotkin.
Rating: 95%
Now that's what I'm talking about! With a totally fresh style, clever lines,
and all out inspiration, Disney has made Toy Story 2 a definate wonder!
Coming to the big screne, it was already difficult enough to make it
match the original. But this flick tops it, topples it over, and does
a flying scissor kick through the air! It's simply a sensation!
With Andy off to cowboy camp, Woody is abducted by a middle aged man
in a chicken suit. (That probably makes no sense...) The entire toy
chest suddenly comes togeather to save their friend, and bring him
on home. With a daring rescue in mind, Buzz valiantly brings a whole
gang of friends (Mr. Potato, Slink, and Rex), as they go out into...
the world. Meanwhile, Woody meets several new friends, and gets a better
understanding of what being a toy really means.
It's really quite clever, and the quick spoof of Star Wars is a definate
plus! It's surprisingly entertaining for the young and old! While
Disney animation has been lacking a little in the "creativity department,"
Pixar KNOWS what their talking about! This new digital animation rocks!
But, as much credit as the animators deserve, it's really the script,
plot, and uniqueness of the adventure as a whole. Turning the elevator
ducts into Darth Vader's lair is a masterstroke! The fun, the laughs,
the drama, it's all genuine. Really, I totally salute Toy Story 2!
May it make millions!