Star Wars: Phantom Menace
Rating: PG
Science Fiction
Starring: Liam Neeson
Ewan McGregor
Natalie Portman
and Jake Lloyd
Writer: George Lucas
Director: George Lucas
Based on a story by George Lucas.
Producer: George Lucas
Rating: 91%

Star Wars: Phantom Menace is DEFINATELY an AWESOME flick! Then again, who hasn't said that? First of all, the basic plot is that the Trade Federation has blockaded the trade routes to Naboo; the world of Queen Amidila. As a result, two Jedi Knights are sent to settle the dispute; Qui Gon, and the young, Obe Won Kenobe. However, the evil emperor is actually the one controlling the Trade Federation, and he sends Darth Maul, and devily looking thingy.. after the Jedi Knights. Eventually, they go to the city where Annican lives, (kid Darth Vadar) who saves the Jedi Knights by winning a pod race, and goes with them to hopefully become a Jedi Knight. However, things get a bit sticky, adventures happen, and I think we all know what happens at the end... but I guess I'm not going to say anything for those that haven't seen it yet. Nonetheless, IT'S AWESOME!

In this action, sci-fi fantasy flick for kid and adult alike, the graphics are above my highest expectations. Furthermore, the story, plot, and all else rock! I think it's been the best laser sword fight I've ever seen! Also, the newly aquired technology was made for this film! The cities are so beautiful you KNOW it can't be real! But then again, it's not supposed to be real.

What I don't like however, is that the kid is so darn CUTE! Gosh. It'd be so much easier to accept this little kid turning into Darth Vadar if he had some kind of deformation. Nonetheless, he doesn't. Other than that however, I really only have one criticism: there weren't enough conversations. In other words, what this star wars lacked in comparison to the others, was that it seemed as if the characters didn't mingle and bond as the other crew did. Their relationships weren't really established as strongly as they could have been. For instance, we really didn't get a sense of comradity between Qui Gon and Obe Won. While it was definately established that they had a close relationship, it still produced no real emotion, or "attachment." However, these actors and actresses still deserve some serious credit.

First of all, I've gotta give the kid a hand! So many critics are saying he did a poor job, but in comparison to what? For a nine year old kid, I think his acting kicks butt! Next, I think Natalie Portman did an absolutely fab job in her portrayal of Queen Amidila. She was real grand and proper in dress, but really down to Earth on the inside. The innocent naivity was done so carefully and so beautifully that the general audience can almost relate! For those two actors, I really must salute them!

Basically, I have a somewhat rough review right now since I didn't write this right after viewing the film. I apologize, but rest assured, I'm going back to the theatres this weekend to see it a second time and I'll be sure to review and edit this review immediately after. So please check back for the updated version of my Star Wars review!
