Movie: Can't Hardly Wait
PG13, sexual content, alcohol.
Romantic Comedy
Starring: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Ethan Embry
Director/Writer: Harry Elfont/Deborah Kaplan
Producer: Betty Thomas
Rating: 71%

In this classic teen flick about a graduating class getting their final highschool party, the entire movie is cleverly set at the party it-self throughout the entire hour and a half. Amazingly, this film still provides a good laugh, quick humor, and is obviously aimed towards a teenage audience.

Basically, the synopsis is simple. It's a party. It's a big party. It's a really big BIG and I mean BIG party! It's the final, huge, HUGE... HUGE blow out party of the year. Apparently, Amanda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) had just been dumped by her idiotic jerk of a boyfriend who thinks that college will be a plentiful sess pool of women just dying to get nailed by him. However, as the movie progresses, he realizes that it's not the way it's gonna be, and he needs to get Amanda back, and fast. Meanwhile, Preston, the gumpy teenage love fool who has had a crush on Amanda since the 9th grade tries to deliver this letter to her which expresses his undying love. Somehow, she recieves the letter but has no idea who this Preston guy is. Complications arise, people get fed up, and an angel stripper becomes Preston's influential guide.

While sub-plots role, and old friends re-unite, this film is a definate teen hit! It's fun, humourous, and memorable. While some profanity and themes were questionable to me, I still enjoyed it. Overall, it's a good flick though. Jennifer Love Hewitt did a surprisingly good job in being the "sensible one" with lines where someone says to her "He's like the hottest guy in school!" And she replies with the perfect words "Yeah.. and school's over." Embry as well delivered his part with style. He shows his innocence and eagerness with lines like "Amanda's it, she's the one!" In films like these, it's all acting, regardless the good script, and I must hand it to these guys. They actually know what they're doing! While I'm somewhat being redundant, I must say however, that the sub-plots really do add a lot to the film. They're smooth, interesting, and rather cliche. Also, as the music generation, Can't Hardly Wait has a die-hard sound track! I definately recommend it, and if your a teen who loves the sterio-typical teenage flick, you'll enjoy it. It's now out on video!
