Hey all!  Are you surprised to hear from me?  Yeah?  I'm surprised to hear from me too- and surprised that I finally got up off my butt and decided to update the site *lol*  Yeah, well thanks to that should go to Corissa, my new co-webmistress!  That's right, she's determined to keep me motivated and offered to help me out with the site!  Actually, I wanted her to help out anyway hehe.  She's a kool chika and she has a few sites of her own- you can check those out in the links section ;-)

~ Julie & Corissa ~

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Buffy 2000 Designs

Disclaimer:  I am in no way connected to the television shows, "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer," or "Angel."  I'm just a fan.   Also, I do not claim rights to any of the pictures on this site nor the characters.   Everything is respectively copyrighted to the WB Network, Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon, and the 20th Century Fox Network.  No Copyright Infringement intended.

This site was origionally called, "Number One Rule In Slaying... Don't Die"