Swap Shop

Hey! So you wanna trade something? You have come to the right place! Anyways! Like you can see....I dont have anything up on this page...so if you have anything you wanna trade or is looking for something, then just fill out the following form and send it in to me!! THANKS!!

What is your name?

Where are you from?

What do you have to trade?

What are you looking for?

E-mail address?

Well, NO ONE has been sending me any requests to put up their ad! So I guess I will be the first one to do so!

Lucy AKA LcStar

E-mail: lcstar148@yahoo.com

What I am looking for: Anything BSB! Real pics, VHS, footage of BSB, merchandise, and really, ANYTHING OF BSB!!!

All I have To Give: Well, I dont got that much BSB stuff to trade...I have a BSB tape of rare BSB songs that includes: Tell me That I'm Dreaming, Give Me Your Heart, Laydown Beside me, All I have to Give *conversation mix*, ect! So e-mail me to see if we have a deal goin!

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