BSB Fan Survey!

Wow! Its finally up again! Please send in your answers!! THANKS! Fill out this survey to show your real love for the boys. I will post up more answers soon!

Hey guys, sorry I had to change this pages format. I couldnt get the form to work at all, so I dont have ANY answers from this survey.

So, could you PLEASE do this, and e-mail me your answers at Thanks so much!!!
What is your name?
On a scale of 1-10, how much would you rate the Boys' music? Why? On a scale of 1-10, how much would you rate the Boys' talents? Why? On a scale from 1-10, how much would you rate the Boys' preformance in concerts and in televised interviews? Why? In your eyes, do you think that the Boys are giving enough time (enough meet and greets) to fullfill every fans' dreams? Why? If you were asked to make any change(s) to the group, what would you suggest? Why? What do you think BSB could do to make themselves better as people? When watching Much Music or MTV, do you go for the music people sing, or how they look like? (Ex. Are the boys cute?) When you first found out about the Backstreet Boys, what did you notice first about them? Looks? Music? 'N Sync, 5ive, 98 Degrees, No Authority, Take 5 and many more, are 'Boy Bands'. Since all these groups have appeared, do you think the BSB vibe is fading? We have all heard about other bands bashing BSB, what do you think about this? Why do you think this is happening? You all know how the wars between N Sync fans and BSB fans are right now. Are you some one who is willing to help stop this? Why? The Boys' have always had rumors go around about them, especially about g/f's. Do you think it is right for them to lie about this subject? Do you think you have a a right to know everything about BSB, being such a loyal fan? Do you think that if BSB answer 'Yes, I have a girlfriend.' that it will affect their careers? What do you think you would do if you were in their situation? Would you answer truthfully, refuse to answer or lie? Do you think fans have the right to know such private information? Why? Do you consider yourself a TRUE Backstreet Boys fan? Why? Do you think the Backstreet Boys are better off doing their own solo careers? Or are they better off as a group? Why? What do you see in each Backstreet Boy indiviually? Why do you like the boys as much as you do? How long do you think the Backstreet Boys will stay together before going solo? Why? How long do you think you'll be a Backstreet Boys fan? 10 years from now, do you think you would still be a fan? And lastly, do you vow to stay a Backstreet Boys fan, no matter what...forever? Why? E-mail address?

See What Other Fans' Answers!


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