News and Updates!
Hey! This is the page where I tell you guys the new stuff on my page, like the stuff thats happening, updates, you know, that stuff!! There will also be things like, appearances, concert scheduals, so, keep checking back for the new stuff!
Click Here for the latest news on BSB!
August 3rd, 1999
Whoa....looks like I havent updated THIS page in a while.....oops! Well, I have been trying to fix up my pics section so it will have a whole new look, and a lot of new pics too! I also updated my news section, my links, my fanfics section also. Check them out!
March 3rd, 1999
I added LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of pics!! Check it out!
Feburary 27th, 1999
Hey!!! I added A TON of Real Audio files for your listening pleasure!! THEY ARE GREAT! I love Melissa's site and I love her for letting me use them!!!
Well, thats about it....
Feburary 14th, 1999
Well, I added some new pics! Thats about it! Oh, my forms ARENT working, so PLEASE dont use them!
Feburary 12th, 1999
Well, I added A LOT of banners and links!
Feburary 7th, 1999
Hm..I only added a couple of links up this time!
Feburary 6th, 1999
Well! I got a new background! Doesnt it look cool? I also kinda redid my index...hopefully it loads faster!
I added some more links...and what else? Uh, I updated my news section. I also updated my BSB Site Association. And I added a couple of banners that you can click on to help BSB!
Feburary 5th, 1999
Hey guys! Well, hm...I finally added my site license page! So go get your own now!
And I also added A TON of new Nick pics! Enjoy!
Oh and I am also keeping track of all the people who got site Licenses from me and the sites are listed on one page!
Feburary 1st, 199
Well, hi again! This time, I decided to take off the bios and articles section. I decided that no one really reads those I took them off!!!
I have uploaded the site licenses and I am in the process of getting the Bravenet Form!!! So hang tight!!!
What else? Oh right! I just got this way cool BSB album! Its a collectors item and it cost me like, $30!!! WHOA! Anyways, its basically the BSB's first album released in Canada, Asia, and Europe. It has 5 bonus tracks..and well, everyone has heard of them anyways! But its cool I guess!
Oh and there is this special BSB Valentine's Mag out! Its pretty thin....I havent looked at it yet, but by the looks of it, its REALLY GREAT!
Umm..I added little things to my site, like links, ect...did some re-arranging...ect.
Oh! And my first issue of my newsletter went out!! Yay! Finally! Well, I would really like it if you joined my newsletter! So please go to index page and enter your e-mail address in the box below the 'listbot' thing!
Well, thats all! Until next time! ~*LcStar*~
January 13th, 1999
Hey! Sorry I havent been working on my site that much lately! But I will make it up! I promise! There will be lots of new stuff up soon! Well, as for what I have been updating, is mostly adding those kewl forms! Arent they the best!? Please make use of them!!!
I also added this new BSB survey thing! Vote for your fave BSB! I will post the results at the end of each month! And there will also be a new survey up every month!
Why arent you guys entering my fan contest!? WHY!? Well, I will be putting up a BSB ULTIMATE contest where there is a REAL Backstreet Boys prize! Like one that comes in your snail mail box! But I have no clue on what to do the contest on! Anyone with some great ideas? I'd love to hear from you!
January 8th, 1999
Hi guys! I won't be able to update my site for a while! School! AHHH! I am failing math!!! AAHH! Nooo!
Anyways! I added a form for my BSB survey, so it will be easier for you guys to fill it out!!! Hope you guys will help!
January 3rd, 1999
Oops! I havent been updating this page in a while! Hehe, sorry! Anyways, I added a lot of stuff a new FAN SURVEY. And I am posting up some of the fans' anwsers. I really want you guys to take the survey and send your opinions in to me! THANKS! I also added some more pics...some...but I hope to put more up soon! Oh yeah! Help BSB out!!! Click on 'Help BSB on my main page! There, you will find out how to help BSB BREAK THE GUINESS BOOK OF RECORDS! But for that to happen, THEY NEED YOUR HELP! So what are you waiting for?! GO HELP BSB NOW!
E-mail meif you got any comments or some news you would like me to put up on this page!!
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