Chicken Soup For the Backstreet Boys Soul©

Hi!! Here is another one of my ideas!! Well, I am guessing all of you have heard of Chicken Soup books? If not, they are books composed of short stories that are heartwarming, opens your eyes to different views. Basically, stories of life, love, learning, and everything else. These books are GREAT and I recommend that you go to your bookstore and grab a copy. Its great for those rainy days!

Anyways, I should get to the point. I thought that it would be very cool to start a series of Chicken Soup for the BACKSTREET SOUL! You can write about ANYTHING as long as it has to do with Backstreet Boys and either the story has a meaning to it, or it teaches a lesson, well...its kinda hard to explain!! When I am done my story, I will post it up to show you what I mean!

I would really like it if all of you FAMOUS fan fic writers out there will submit your stories! All of your submissions will be published here on my site. I dont know what I want to do when I get A LOT of the stories. Maybe make a book? That would be VERY VERY COOL!!

SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Please please write your stories now!! And send them into

Here is the one I wrote!!

Did Somebody Say McDonalds?

“Hi, what would you like today?” I asked while the window slid open. “Uh, I want number 5 meal, supersized, with a coke please.” The man answered. “Sure! $4.70 please!” I said with a smile. The man handed me the money and I gave the correct change back. “Thanks! Last window to pick up your order! You have a goodnight!” I chirped. The loud truck sped down to the far window.

It was Wednesday night, and I was on my regular shift at my part time job, McDonald’s. Drive thru had NO cars and I was so bored! I hated putting on my fake smile and pretended to sound happy. I glanced at my watch. I realized that I had been there for 2 hours already. 6 o’clock. My best friend, Cassandra was going to start soon! YAY! I said inside. I knew she would be in Drive Thru with me. We ALWAYS were!! I always looked forward to Cass starting her shift. Well, other than getting to flirt with that cutie, Ryan!

Next thing I know, Jamie, the shift manager opened the drive thru door, with a ‘clean’ till and put it into the empty till ahead of me. “Is Cassie going to be on Drive Thru cash with me?” I asked. “Why do you even bother to ask!? You guys are always in drive thru together!” Jamie exclaimed. I laughed.

“Janice!! Hey! Look’s like we are in DT again! Yeah!” Cass said from behind me as she pinned her name tag onto her shirt. A loud buzz sounded, signaling that a car was about to come up to my window. I gently hit my hip against the motion censored window and the plane of glass slid open.

“Hi!” I said with a smile. “A Nugget Happy Meal with a orange, and a Big Mac Meal with a Sprite please.” The lady in the car said. I punched in each order and said “$9.87 please.” The customer handed me the money and I gave out the change. “Last window to pick up your order and you have a great day!” With a wave from the toddler in the backseat, they sped away.

“Ok Jan! I’m ready to take orders!” Cassandra said peering out from behind the drive thru ‘closets’. The buzzer sounded and I saw a car pull up into drive thru. “Can I take this order?” Asked Cass. “Sure, go for it!” I answered. I heard the routine ‘swish’ of the window as it slid open. Loud music blared from the car. Or was it music? It sounded more like singing! It sounded like 5 guys singing ‘Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)! And they sounded EXACTLY like the Backstreet Boys!! I ran to Cassie’s window and peered outside.

“OH MY GOD!!” THE BSB were sitting there, in a white corvette, at OUR McDonald’s!! Holy! I totally freaked out. Cassie turned to me. “Can you BELIEVE who is in Drive Thru!?” I nodded and we both squealed. “Ask them why they are here!!!” I said. Cassandra opened the window and blurted, “Why are you guys here?!” “ order food!” AJ answered from the front seat. Cass giggled and blushed.

AJ must have noticed Cassie’s face flush, and said “Sorry to embarrass you. I was just joking! Well, me and the guys are on a vacation, sorta. And we decided to visit beautiful Banff to do some snowboarding, skiing, that kind of stuff! Its so awesome out there!! We also wanted to do some sight seeing in Calgary! You guys are famous for your Calgary Stampede!” AJ explained.

“Calgary Stampede!? That isnt until July! Its only January!” I said beside Cassandra. Suddenly, Jamie barged into drive thru, interrupting us and yelled out “What are you guys doing?! Drive thru is backed WAY up and the cars haven’t been moving for 10 minutes! What’s going on!?”

“Oh...uh...some guy had to back up out of drive thru to the menu sign! And um...he didn’t want to go around and line up again! That’s why!! He’s here right now! I was just getting ready to take his order!” Cassie lied.

“Well, just get a move on! Customers are complaining!” Jamie walked out of the hallway and closed the door. “Who was THAT?!” Brian said in the passenger seat with a grin. “Hehe, one of our mean mean managers!” I said laughing. “Ok, well, we don’t want to get you guys in any more trouble, so we’d better order! Umm...Nick, you still wanted the number 1, supersized right?” Kevin asked. Nick nodded. “Umm...ok, a number 1, supersized, 3 number 8’s, supersized, and a number 3, supersized. All of them with ice tea, and throw in a 20 piece too!” Kevin said for all of the guys. AJ handed over the cash and Cass gave the change back. “Last window please!!” The boys waved goodbye and sped off.

Cassandra whirled around. She grinned and I grinned back. “The girls at school will NOT believe what just happened!!” She squealed. I nodded. I was too shocked to say a word! I went back to my window and took orders (and messed up a whole bunch), in a daze.

For the next few weeks, the Backstreet Boys came back regularly. We practically became their best drive thru buddies! Sometimes there would only be one Backstreet boy and their body gaurd, and sometimes, it would be all 5. They bought us freebies like autographed t-shirts and we would give them free food! It was all good!! One day, Nick drove up in his truck and ordered a McFlurry. “Hey!! Where’s Cass?! I didnt see her at the first window!” “Oh, she has a day off! I think she went to catch a movie.” I answered. “And without you?” He asked. “No, she told me that she’s going to wait until I get off at 8 and then we’ll go together! Hey, do you guys wanna come?” I asked ecxitedly.

“Oh, we’d better not...I mean, with all the fans and stuff.” He said hesitant. “Well, we can rent a movie! I dont think Cass will mind at all.” “Come to think of it, we already have plans!! Sorry Janice, maybe some other time though ok?” “Oh um...sure then.” I said a little bit dissapointed. Nick gave the money he owed me on his McFlurry and I handed out his change. “See ya later!” Nick said driving off.

As soon as 8 o’clock hit, I headed straight home. I took a quick shower and got changed. As soon as I was ready, it was 8:45. The exact time that Cassandra had told me to call her. I picked up the phone and hit the speed dial to her number. The phone rang several times. “Thats weird” I thought. “I wonder where everyone is...” After the 8th ring, I put the phone back down and tried again. Same thing. “Maybe they all decided to go out for dinner.” I assumed. But there was this nagging feeling that told me that something was wrong. My mother’s voice from downstairs interrupted my thoughts. “Dinner time hun!” She called. I let my thoughts go and ran downstairs.

Later on that night, I recieved a phone call. “Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, is Janice there?” the girl on the line asked. “Yes, this is.” I recognized the voice, but I still wasnt entirely sure who it was. “This is Kim, Cassandra’s sister. Um...I have some bad news for you.” My heart sank. I gulped and hoped it wasnt anything serious. “What is it?” My voice quivered. Kim started sobbing on the other line. “Tell me what it is!” I said, scared. “Cass got hit by a car earlier today.” Kimberly said through her tears. “What?!” I was too shocked to understand what Kim said next. I started shaking and the phone dropped out of my hand.

“Janice? Janice? Where are you?” I heard the voice on the other line coming from the phone hanging below me. Slowly dropping my knees, my cries echoed in the room.


“She has suffered from major head injuries and still is in a coma. We are trying our best at this, but I am afraid she might not make it.” The doctor’s words still rang in my ears. I was in the hospital, visiting Cass. The sight of the bandages around her head and her pale pale skin made my heart drop. I was scared. So scared that this might be the last time I may see my best friend, Cassandra.

Meanwhile, back at McDonald’s. The Backstreet Boys had come back for their daily dose of Mickey D’s. As the window slid open, the boys saw that it wasnt Janice nor Cassie. They ordered and as soon as they were done, Brian asked “Hey, is Janice or Cassie here?” “ was supposed to work, but she is at the hospital.”

“Hospital?! What? Why?” Brian asked. “Cassie got into an accident and she’s in a coma. She’s in the North General Hospital if you want to see her.” “Oh, ok, thank you so much.” Brian nodded and sped off towards the hospital with the guys.


“Cassie, you’ll be alright. Hang in there.” I whispered. I sat beside her bed, with the Backstreet Boys’ cd playing softly. The hospital smelled horrible. I always hated being in such a morbid place. As ‘All I Have To Give’ played, I started singing along, hoping that my voice would wake Cassandra up. Suddenly, a nurse entered the room and asked me to leave the room for a bit, for she was going to check up on Cassie. I nodded and headed downstairs to the vending machine.

“D8”. I said to myself as I pushed the numbers into the machine. The granola bar I wanted droped down from the slot and I grabbed it from inside the little door. I made my way back towards Cassie’s room. All the way there, I couldn’t shake out what the doctors had told me earlier. The doctors said Cass was in serious conditon. She was in a coma and they didnt know when she would be able to recover. She had sufferred from a major blow to the head, which knocked her unconcious instantly. She had several cuts and bruises, and she had some internal bleeding in her brain. They had prefromed surgury and she was going to be fine...except the fact that she was in a coma. I held back tears as I thought about Cassie. I couldnt bear the thought of her going through such pain.

I turned the corner and heard some familiar voices. “We are hear to see a girl, she got into a car accident. Her name is Cassandra.” I heard Kevin say to the nurse hurriedly. “Guys!” I called out. They all turned around. “Am I ever glad to see you guys!!” I said as I jogged down the corridor towards them. Kevin greeted me with a hug and asked how Cass was doing. “How is she? Is she alright?” He asked obviously concerned. I frowned. The guys’ hopeful faces fell as they saw the tears in my eyes. “She--she’s in a coma.” I stammered out, tears streaming down my face. Nick, and Howie exchanged shocked glances. Brian came towards me and held me tight. He tried to calm my tears, but his kindness made me weep even more. Each boy said some reassuring words, like, “She’ll be alright,” “Dont worry, she’ll be fine in no time,” and “Sweetie, dont cry...” I wiped the tears away and asked if they wanted to see her. Their answers were yes, and I gladly took them to Cassandra’s room.

Nick sat beside me and held my hand as each of the boys took their turn seeing Cass. The doctors and nurses didnt want so many of us in their at a time, so each took a bit of time alone with Cass inside. When they each had their turn, we sat in the hall awkwardly, not know what to say to each other. I decided to break the silence. “You know, me and Cass are huge huge fans of yours. We absolutely love you guys.” I grinned as I thought back to the first BSB concert I attended. Me and Cass had 5th row and the concert was unbelievable! “You have heard of the stories about how people who were in a coma, but awoke after listening to their idols right? I heard this one story of how a boy woke up after he listened to Shania Twain’s cd. I was hoping that would work by playing your cd in her room...” My voice trailed off.

“You know what? We should try singing to her.” AJ started. “Hey, it may seem crazy, but its worth a try right?!” The 4 guys nodded and got up. As they were about to open the door, the doctor protested. “I told you earlier, we cant let too many people in at once.”

“But, wait, we have to try this. Please.” Kevin pleaded. “Yah, let us try. We can save Cass. There’s nothing to lose.” Brian chimed in. The doctor sighed. “I dont know...” He started. “Oh, please! Doctor! Let them try this! I want my friend back. And they are right, there’s nothing to lose.” I begged. The doctor took off his glaces, sighed heavily and said, “Alright, I’ll let you do it. But before you do, I want to make sure I am there, so if she does wake up. Which will be unlikely.” He added. Howie smiled and said, “Thank you.”

The Backstreet Boys preped themselves, and warmed up their voices. Brian went to the bedside and held Cass’ hand. The boys sang a song from their new album, “Dont Wanna Lose You Now”. It was simply wonderful. I cried when they sang it. When they were done, Cass hadn’t moved at all. She was still in a deep coma. But the boys werent going to give up. “What’s Cassandra’s favorite Backstreet Boys song?” AJ asked. “Well, its Tell Me That I’m Dreaming...can you sing that?” I asked. The guys looked at each other. “Its been a while since we sang that, but we’ll try our best.” Kevin said determined.

The boys sounded like angels in heaven. Their wonderful voices blended flawlessly, and the walls of the room made the best place for them to sing. When they hit the chorus, I thought I saw Cass stirr. I watched carefully. I was right!!! Cass’ eyes opened and she seemed not to know where she was. “Cass!!” I called out as I jumped out of my seat. I ran over to her side and grabbed her hand. I burst out into tears when she said, “Am I dreaming? Cause BSB are here singing to me...”


Well? What did you think? I hope you liked it of course! And if you have any comments, feel free to e-mail me at anytime!


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