So you want to have a job eh?

So you guys wanna be able to write down that you had a BSB related job when you apply to become a BIG manager of some new group? Well, heres the place to get the skills, practice, and knowledge of how to be a BSB Employee!

Well, the above is SORTA true. You wouldn't be working for the REAL Backstreet Boys, you'd be doing me a big big favour! I have several job openings, where you can help me with my site! Heres the list!

My Newsletter

I need people to:

To find me news on the BSB

To get some URLS of some cool BSB sites every week

Make up poems, stories, fantasies, dreams ect. to put on the newsletter

To tell me their concert reviews, or stories of how they met BSB.

Someone to think of some really cool contest ideas

Help on my Site

I need people to:

Help me Advertise

Find news and other new BSB things.

Send me their concert reviews, stories, articles, dreams, and anything creative that I can put up

I also really need someone to help me make banners. I do not have the program to make one, so if you know how, or knows someone else who knows how, please e-mail me ASAP!

If you are interested, please e-mail me with BSB JOB in the Subject and tell me what you would like to help me on! Then, I will e-mail you back with details on what you should do! This 'job' does not require you to put in like 8 hours a day, all I am asking is for people to help in their free time! If you do your job right, you will get rewarded, or 'paid' with BSB pics that you will recieve in your e-mail. If you stay with the job for a long time (like a 2 weeks and you do a good job) you will be given BSB posters and pinups through snail mail! So dont delay! Apply today!

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