s t e v e   m a r t i n

I would love to say that I am Steve Martin's #1 fan, but I can't, because that title has already been taken by Ken Dickson.  Ken is a cool guy who has the ULTIMATE Steve Martin website.  It is a page that every Steve fan should visit.  Click on this link below, and see for yourself what i'm talking about!!


I love Steve.  I mean, he is just the coolest guy ever.  Every time I watch one of his movies or listen to one of his comedy albums, I am amazed at his comedic brilliance.  I started this page to share my love for the man, and just because, besides www.stevemartin.net, there aren't any decent Steve sites out there.  I know this page isn't great now, but maybe it could be someday. . . Hopefully soon I'll get a discography, a filmography, and some other cool stuff up on the site.  P.S. EBAY has a great selection of Steve movies, autographed photos, and other memoriabilia for auction.  Go there, and you will be addicted like i am!!  Thanks for visiting my page, and I hope you come again soon.

             Sections of my Page


Pictures of Steve


Why I think Anne Heche is not nice






I will be updating this site with sounds, etc. after the New Year, so check back and see what I've done.  Until then, Happy Holidays!  Also, for those of you who have visited here before will notice that this first page looks different, for the worse.  That is because I somehow erased this page yesterday, and I had to put this one up in a hurry.  Sorry about that.  Bye!
