A couple's worst nightmare becomes a reality as they find themselves behind
bars with their children are taken away from them in this made-for-TV
drama, inspired by a true story. Brenda and Scott Kniffen (Viginia Madsen
and Jeffrey Nordling) are asked by friends to testify as character witnesses
at a child custody hearing. After The Kniffens take the stand, a relation
of their friends, who was upset by the testimony, tells authorities that
Brenda and Scott are guilty of beating their young sons, molesting them
sexually, and taking pornographic photographs of them. While there is
no truth to the accusations, a prosecutor determined to prove he's tough
on child abuse takes on the case, and his staff badgers Brandon Kniffen
(Cory Dorkin) and his brother Brian (Ryan Wilson) into giving damaging
statements and testifying against their parents in court. Brenda and Scott
spend the next twelve years behind bars, fighting their case as best they
can as they try to prove their innocence and become reunited with their
children. |