Welcome To Cookie's Corner





Hi, my name is Cookie and welcome to my little corner of the web.  This is the first web page that I have ever made.  I have spent a lot of time making these pages, so I hope that you enjoy what you see!

At the bottom of this page, you will find links to my other pages that I have been working on.  You can find information, pictures and links to my favorite group, the Beatles!

You will also find my tribute to Princess Diana, Queen of Peoples Hearts.  She was a wonderful person and someone that I respected very much. 

So Feel free to leyes.gif (457 bytes)k around.  You never know what you might find!

Don't forget to sign my guestbook.  Have a GREAT day!!!

These pages are and always will be  con7_anm.gif (34115 bytes)




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The Beatles

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Princess Diana

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Clip Art & Animation Links  commings.gif (1788 bytes)

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About Me  commings.gif (1788 bytes)

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Ghost Links  commings.gif (1788 bytes)

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My Granddaughter commings.gif (1788 bytes)



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Don't forget to sign my guestbook!



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View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook



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em_anm.gif (20906 bytes)  E-Mail Me



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