First of all, you should know that my links page is still
under major construction, I've only just started it and there's much more
to come. :-)
Okay, I've got this divided into several parts:
For every fandom I've got fanfiction sites and others.
To qualify for the fanfiction section, a site must have
a big collection of different fanfiction. A handful of stories by the site
owner plus one or two others won't do the trick, sorry. But the other sites
are great, too, just a little light on fanfic!
This awesome site by my dear friend and sister Scribe has one of
the coolest collection of fanfics I know - including her own, which are
really great!
Besides, she runs "The Newsies Bigscreen Rally".
You do know Spitfire's fanfiction, don't you? Come on! EVERY Newsies
fan has to know that! Don't tell me you didn't read "Learnign to Receive"!
But hey, there are MANY great stories on her page, most of which
I only didn't link to because they're unfinished. (Remember my crusade?)
And she's also got lots of stories by others.
Newsies Fanfiction Page
Grace's one of the best fanfic authors I know. Her HUGE collection
of her own work, as well as her collection of the works of others, are
more than just worth reading!
You would not believe the collection of fanfiction this girl has!
I don't believe it and I was there!
The classic archive!
Still the biggest collection of fanfics by different authors on
the web.
Unfortunately, this page is closed, meaning it's not updated any
Sharkbait's brave attempt to continue where Buttons left off. This
collection is not as big yet, but growing. Please go and submit your work!
A Lodging House I'm a member of. Many really good stories, more
about the girls than the boys though, but of course they play an important
part, too! :-)
Another great Newsies site with lots of fun stuff and a fine fanfic
Lynn's page has lots of great fanfiction, but also many other cool
features. Check it out!
Alley: Newsies Fan Fiction
The title says it all, huh? ;-) No, actually not all, because there's
much to this page besides the fanfic.
Another Lodging House project, with a collection of cool stories.
And check out the rants, they're great!
A lodging house project with a very good ongoing story, and a soon-to-grow collection of independent stories. Definitely worth checking out!
Ever wondered what was REALLY going on in 1899 New York? Like,
actual history?
This page tells about the real strike, has lots of original pictures,
newspaper articles, maps and everything you can think of. If you're looking
for the facts, here they are!
A page for the terminally ill patients of Newsiephobia ;-)
Newsie Dates
You don't know these? They're such fun! Go and try it!
This site has only two stories, but those are great. :-)
Besides, it's the home of the Newsies Beta Readers Page!
Lots of fun stuff, plus some nice fanfics.
This site has something of everything - don't forget to read the
prodution information about the making of Newsies!
Newsie Poll
Go and vote for your favorite newsie!
A rather new site, with a really cool design, a fun quiz, a great
survey, some fanfics, and lots of fun stuff. :-)

Kendall's page has many amazing features, among them both the script
of the movie as we know and love it AND the original script as it used
to be. No real fan should miss this page. :-)
Other Cool Sites:
Want to get to know my sis, Marcie, whom you probably know as Scribe, better? (She's a great person, you really should!) Please go here. :-)
Heavenly Post Card Shoppe
The absolutely best place for virtuell greeting cards! Totally
customizable: You can chose from countless pictures, melodies, poems, headers,
and on top of this you can use your own!
Castle Shyla's a fun place to play. I won! :-)
Hunger Site
This site is really, really cool!
You can go there once a day and donate free food for poor people,
simply by looking at one of their ads! Check it out!
Should you wish to link to my page (please?) you
can use this banner: