Emily - 12/20/00 22:08:44
My URL:http://www.geocties.com/tropicalturkeys
My Email:newsiesfan13@aol.com
How did you get here?: kENDALL'S nEWSIES pAGE
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes
I absolutely LOVE your website. I hope you don't mind me linking your site to mine.
Kat - 08/22/00 23:34:02
My URL:http://therealm.kcmiller.tripod.com/index.htm
My Email:ladykatana26@aol.com
How did you get here?: Just wandered on in
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, mostly.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Of course!
Love the site! I find so many great tips here, it's just wonderful!
Tanja - 08/04/00 22:28:46
My Email:taty_1973@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: thanks to Altavista search engine
Which fandoms are you in?: none yet
Do you write fanfic yourself?: nope
Congrats to you, this site is really great! Cya!
CeeJay - 06/06/00 12:27:41
My Email:carlaw@ameritech.net
How did you get here?: did a search for essays on fanfic
Which fandoms are you in?: A-Team, Star Wars, Xena, X-Files, Mystery Men (that's my own little fandom of one [that I know of])
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes--very, very slowly
This is a great page, Tuesday--especially the how-to articles! I wish I'd had someone like you to show me around when I was first starting out as a writer.
Haven't found the secret link to the picture of you yet, but I'm still looking. :)
~*PIGE*~ - 06/03/00 22:08:28
My Email:blinks_chica@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: um... you! :o)
love the page, hun!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
Tracy - 03/13/00 02:02:50
My Email:TraBow@aol.com
How did you get here?: aol
Which fandoms are you in?: Waukesha
Do you write fanfic yourself?: That I dotn now
Hi I lkie the Newsies
Fiddler - 02/15/00 21:43:50
My Email:nicole.pisciotta@usa.net
How did you get here?: a link from the wonderful Newsies list
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies!!!
Do you write fanfic yourself?: I'm working on my first right now
Your page was so helpful! Since I'm just starting to edge my way into the world of fanfic, it was really helpful to get tips from someone that's been there. Thanks a lot!
Seeanemone Sarah - 01/19/00 17:35:50
My Email:sarah.adler@student.uni-tuebingen.de
How did you get here?: You showed me your fantastic work.
Which fandoms are you in?: Stephen King, ABBA,...
Do you write fanfic yourself?: No, I'm sorry.
Hope we will stay friends forever.
ally - 01/02/00 20:31:49
My URL:http://www.geocicties.com/Hollywood/Interview/3144/
How did you get here?: through someone llinlk page
Which fandoms are you in?: none
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yes
kendall - 01/01/00 06:32:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Park/
My Email:kendall_k@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: dont remember, but from a link prolly
Which fandoms are you in?: newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yup, im on your page
i fell like an idiot cause ive wanted to sign your guest book for so long, cause your page totally rocks and all. anyhoo, keep rolling out the good stuff.
luv ya,
D.J. - 12/02/99 00:38:35
My URL:http://donnajane.cjb.net
My Email:donna_jane@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: I honestly can't remember.
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, a little bit of General Hospital, and a smattering of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yep, sure do!
Tuesday, dahling, you must know by now that I adore your page. I cannot begin to express how sorry I am that it took me so long to sign this guestbook, but just know that I LOVE THIS PAGE!!!
Leanna - 11/08/99 08:50:59
My URL:http://http://music.acmecity.com/fusion/171/
My Email:shadowsylph@chickmail.com
How did you get here?: Um...I went to my bookmarks and..clicked on your page :-)
Which fandoms are you in?: *thinks* none as of yet, unless you count my one member Washington Irving club...me..
Do you write fanfic yourself?: once..a Ds9 fan fic. It wasn't very good at ALL which was why I figured fan fic wasn't my thing :-D
I love reading all the stuff on your site! *HUGS* Keep up all the great work, you are really talented! I just wanted to stop by and sign the guestbook since..I just love signing books (Check out Scribes page LOL! only signed it a million times AHHAAH)
Love always,
N3S - 10/15/99 10:41:26
My URL:got.to/get_a/page/on/my.own
My Email:fundriv@iname.com
How did you get here?: You invited me, remember?
Which fandoms are you in?: Huh?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Guess no
Gee, nice page.
Flip - 10/07/99 15:55:07
How did you get here?: uh.......I dunno!
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: DO I!?!?!?!?!?!
AWESOME PAGE TUESDAY! I rocks! I am suposed to be in school so I gotta go!!!! I'll be back!!!!
Eva aka Ebony - 10/04/99 22:41:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Heights/4901
My Email:Aba8iangl@aol.com
How did you get here?: Through Email, what's it to ya'?
Which fandoms are you in?: None, yet.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Sure!
Love t'is page! Great ideas too! It'll really help folks like me who love ta' write! Keep up ta' great woik!--Eb.
Riser - 09/19/99 01:28:23
My URL:http://sandpiper.iwarp.com (not up right now)
My Email:TheonlyASD@aol.com
How did you get here?: Looking for Newsies fanfic
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, Buffy, Space Cases, SeaQuest, Herc/Xena, and many, many more
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yes
This site is incredible! I've found it an invaluable resource for improving my writing, as well as eliminating the fanfic-esque qualities of my writing, the style of writing that makes amateur fanfic writers stand out like a sore thumb. I love your storie
, and I love all the resources you've gathered for us. Keep up the good work!!
Hope - 09/18/99 22:29:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/4995
My Email:groovyhope@juno.com
How did you get here?: On my own . . .
Which fandoms are you in?: Fandom?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes.
Really helpful page. If anyone wants some stories to critique, my page is open! I love constructive criticism. Love Hope.
martin - 08/21/99 06:34:51
My URL:http://www.bletro.nl/martin
My Email:martin@bletro.nl
How did you get here?: luck
Which fandoms are you in?: make it two, please
Do you write fanfic yourself?: no
This site made my day. Thanx for the effort and time creating and updating this place. Feel free to visit my site.
For now: Surf Save.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Your page is so great! The info is gonna help a lot when I try to finish my story.
Your a champ, keep up the good work!
CTB&PTF 1899-1999
~Mighty Ally~
Fighting The Wolf.
Star - 08/02/99 16:29:25
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~aria_raydon/index.html
My Email:LindsRay@aol.com
How did you get here?: I...don't remember. But I'm glad to be here!
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, Star Wars, Final Fanasy, probably more but they slip my mind!
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes'm!
Wow! This is an AWESOME page Tuesday! I owe you my existance! I put up a few stories on the Fan Fic network, which just made my day! And the articles about writing fan fic were just great! Thanks so much for actually having information I NEEDED!!!!
Lani - 07/27/99 19:27:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lounge/3607/
My Email:insomnodreamer@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: a little birdie told me
Which fandoms are you in?: um...eh?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes
Hi...nice page
Sarah - 07/26/99 18:10:05
My Email:GirLiE984@aol.com
How did you get here?: Newsies Mailing List Letter
Which fandoms are you in?: Fan Fic
Do you write fanfic yourself?: No
This page is awesome. it has great fan fics to read and all the other links about writing fan fiction started helping me in writing my own fan fic cause im kinda wavy on it. GREAT PAGE!!!
Echo - 07/22/99 04:08:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/6112/
My Email:dolphins_echo@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: uh.... through Excite, looking up Newsies fanfic
Which fandoms are you in?: lol I think the question before that would anwer that one :)
Do you write fanfic yourself?: absotively possolutely
Hey! Great page! Love it love it love it! I'll have to read the stories I haven't seen yet tomorrow because I really need to work on mine, but I'll be adding a link soon. Hopefully. (This stupid merger isn't helping any, and lately when I try to save some
hing on my editor, it erases it so I can't update right now. *muttered complaints*) :) Well, I'll just have to settle with putting it under favorites for now. Anyway, nice work! = D CTB! (((((Echo)))))
Kelly*Knuckles* - 07/21/99 23:44:02
My Email:hype_newsie14@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: I know everything... :)
Which fandoms are you in?: "fandoms"?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: OH YEAH!!
Hey Tuesday, It's me! I really LOVE your page! I totally got new ideas for my page. I will write 'cha, otay? NEway, I will eyc-ya L8TR, girl! W/M/B/S!!
lUV your bud,
P.P.S. keep on CTB! :)
Storm DeSario - 07/18/99 00:40:09
My URL:/TimesSquare/Metro/2066
My Email:storm_desario@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: A friend of a friend of a link of a link of a guestbook of a guestbook.
Which fandoms are you in?: Pardon?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Actually, yes. (I have an alter-ego/split personality named Storm DeSario who grew up in Little Italy, Manhattan; and I use her as the main character in many of my stories.)
Your page is one of the best explainatory pages I've *ever* run aross. Very informational - I loved it. In fact, when I was building my own page, I wanted to explain exactly what fan fiction was, and I just couldn't think of the right way to do it. I hope
you don't mind, but I used your explaination off this page. (I credited you with it, don't worry.) It just said it so well.
Crivelli - 07/12/99 01:34:13
My Email:crivellinews@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Spitfire told me
Which fandoms are you in?: What?!?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes, but none is finished
Hey Tuesday, Monday here...Cool page. I love to read fan fic and this page has tons of it. Keep up the good work. I love your adopt a pets, they're Fun....Your page rocks!!! Remember never swim in a lake if you don't know how to swim.
Flame - 07/03/99 00:18:11
My Email:FlameluvsNewsies@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Sassy told me about it...((if you know who that is! :) ))
Which fandoms are you in?: none!
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yep!
I think your "Adopt-a-Newsie" thing is really cute. I'm hopefully gonna get one when I start a page...:)
O.Lee - 06/07/99 00:36:14
My Email:seltuk@aol.com
How did you get here?: a long time ago on a computer far far away.....SO WARS ! ;-)
Which fandoms are you in?: 5./ JgLehrBtl. 353
O.Lee - 06/07/99 00:33:07
My Email:seltuk@aol.com
How did you get here?: A long time ago in a KAFF far far away..... SO WARS ! ;-)
Which fandoms are you in?: Lees Magic Socceres
Do you write fanfic yourself?: only the kind of fanfic for rubbish
Mion Moin Jenny !
I am really deeply impressed by your homepage and this mysterios fandom. Actually I do know nothing about it, but it sounds cool!!!
But tell me, where are u living right now? Somewhere in the brave new world?? USA?? I suppose so......
>>>> I wish you so much good luck for U and your future <<<<<<<
faithfully yours Oliver
Martin - 05/21/99 08:50:58
How did you get here?: guess?
Got it :-)
Still nice page!!!
L.o.l. See you...
Ally Kat - 05/08/99 22:22:14
How did you get here?: Came from Cassie's Haven for Newsie Freaks
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yep
Kewl page!!! Newsies is da best huh?!?!?!?! Is anyone who signed a dancer??? like meself and me pals Clikz and Fox??? Dance is kewl and so is Newsies!!!!!
Robynthefox - 05/07/99 00:32:44
My Email:robynthefox@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: You told me, silly.
Which fandoms are you in?: Iolaus, primarily.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yup.
Hey, sis, love the page. Fix the Iolaus page, I'm quite intrigued. I'd read your Newsies stories, but I still haven't seen the movie and you warned me against that. Regardless, congrats on the page....I'm proud of my sis!
Spitfire - 05/05/99 23:25:25
My URL:/Broadway/Balcony/1951/
My Email:spitfire2@geocities.com
How did you get here?: This time, the last time, or three months ago? *grins*
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, LJS, Valdemar, and - since I finally saw the movies last week - Star Wars
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes. So little finished, I'm so ashamed. ;)
So, Tuesday, what was that on the links page, huh? A dig to get me to finish something? *grins* j/k I thought I'd stop by your wonderful site (Yeah, it's shameless flattery. It's also true.), say hi and sign your guestbook. Your page is better than ev
r, your stories are wonderful and so are you! Now, I'll go. CARRYIN' DA BANNA'!!!
Serina O'Connor - 04/04/99 14:25:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/1798
My Email:Goldie1899@aol.com
How did you get here?: Tuesday signed da guestbook at da Bunkroom
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsie, Lisa Jane Smith (vampire/witch/'wolf/shapeshifter), and Buffy, as well as one or two other odds and ends.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Oui! all the time...heh
Wow...who could know there were, like, rules for writiin fanfic....hmm...maybe I should try brushing up on my newsie fanfic skills before I plunge into yet another 200 page newsie soap...lol...nah. I wouldn't do that to the girls in the bunkroom...you'd k
ck me out and take over the page or something. Anyway! Lovely page, Tuesday darling! Nice format, html work, the like :) I hope that we girls at the Bunkroom write many stories together before we all drift away, which, as all things do, will happen someda
...oo...looks like I'm gonna write a novel in this here guestbook, so I should cut it off at a short story, huh? ;) Wuv-Serina
Seven of Nine - 03/31/99 23:07:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Wing/1794/
My Email:seven_of_nine84@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: i have no clue
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yep
hi! i really like your page, it really helps on those writing tips. the stories are good too, i really liked th Christmas story. it was a very good story.
paul martinez - 03/29/99 05:23:21
My Email:paulalextg@aol.com
How did you get here?: a link from dave silver
Do you write fanfic yourself?: nope
Hi Jenifer we have a freind in common Dave Silver. this fanfiction thing sounds interesting but im real tired right now willhave to put it on my favorite list and look at it later. So your from Germany a sister I meet in los angeles the last time i was do
n their is from Germany too Well just wanted to say Hi dont believe I meet you when you came down for a visit we me and Dave and his familey use to go to desert view together well take care
mob - 03/24/99 21:40:39
My Email:already known
How did you get here?: by the deutsche telekom and the leibniz rechen zentrum
Which fandoms are you in?: whatīs a "fandom"
Do you write fanfic yourself?: and again: whats that?
i bet you know i didnīt really READ you hp,
but maybe iīll take a look onto it when iīm offline....
cu soon
David Silver - 03/23/99 07:16:22
My URL:http://www.lj.net/~silver/
My Email:silver@lj.net
How did you get here?: Followed the link in your email to me
Just found your page, Jennifer. I am enjoying looking around. I'll be back, no doubt.
Alley - 03/21/99 19:14:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Guild/6088/
My Email:alley_kat23@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Oh, some friendly persuading.
Which fandoms are you in?: newsies, hercules....
Do you write fanfic yourself?: yup, I do!
You've got a great page! I like the stories. ANd I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here to sign this! I'll try to be better about it next time. Anyway, keep updating, it looks great!
Beth - 03/17/99 13:22:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/9670
My Email:fawnaby@aol.com
How did you get here?: Well, you're one of my best pals...
Which fandoms are you in?: Fandoms...okay, I'll come back to this one.
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Oh yes, I love it. It's like my favorite pastime.
I love your page, it has lots of good links, and I really, really love your writing. You are extremely talented and I love the stuff you've written - keep it up. : ) Not to mention you're a totally bombos person and I love ya. : )
Aimee - 03/03/99 20:28:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/1085
My Email:love_dandenault@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: umm... it was on the bottom of your email
Which fandoms are you in?: huh?
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes, I do, in fact.
I just thought I'd drop in and see what you had going on here. I love spending hours at a time looking at web pages. Almost as much as I love making web pages. Hmm... anyway- talk to you later-
Spitfire - 01/28/99 18:11:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/1951/
My Email:spitfire1899@prontomail.com
How did you get here?: Newsies Fan Fiction Contest Entries
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies! Newsies! Newsies! (an' a liddle Night World)
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Most definately
This site, with the links to writing and critiquing fiction, is a great idea! Keep it up!
Alexis - 01/07/99 23:04:10
My URL:http://vende.org/
My Email:alexis@vende.org
How did you get here?: word of mouth!
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies, X-Men, The Tomorrow People
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes siree
Hey Tuesday! Great job! Thank you so much for putting up my story! Keep up the great work! *s*
Lot's of love,
Crutchy - 01/05/99 21:40:38
My URL:/Hollywood/Trailer/6737/main.html
My Email:Crutchy85@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you led me here
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies and Mighty Ducks
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes, of course
I like the page. i am going to go read some fanfic write now though, it is keeping me from finishing Patrick. Love you!
Powder - 01/04/99 01:39:43
My URL:Sorry, don't have one. But some of my fanfic is up on Lynn's page. Unfortunately, I don't have a link to send yo
My Email:Zerka@aol.com
How did you get here?: Why, you sent me the address, Tuesday! : )
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes!
Wonderful page, Tuesday! I love the linguistics part! The Slanguage section of it is absolutely hilarious! Especially those Boston ones. I love Boston accents! They're yummy! (Don't be mad at me, I like New York accents, too.) : )
Martin Thierer - 01/03/99 12:24:19
How did you get here?: Real interest
Which fandoms are you in?: Star Trek
Do you write fanfic yourself?: No
Great page Jennifer!
Good Luck for your next projects and God bless you!
Greetings to all who read this!
Mischief - 01/03/99 08:43:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Trailer/6737
My Email:dreamberry08@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: Ya told me ta come here.
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies!
Do you write fanfic yourself?: About 5 finished ones and 15 taking up my hard drive.
I love your new site. I still wish I can figure out this html stuff. Untill than I'll never have my very own site that I can call my own! Not that I'm complaining 'cuz I wouldn't give the Newsgoils Lodging House up for the world!
Indie - 01/02/99 14:06:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/4059
My Email:Vera_Indie@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you told me so and here I am!
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies and Swing Kids
Do you write fanfic yourself?: I only have one story which will probably never finish...
I love your page Tues and your stories. Keep up the great work :0) ~Indie~
Michael J. Spohr - 01/02/99 11:26:12
My Email:michael.spohr@t-online.de
How did you get here?: My daughter asked me to go
Which fandoms are you in?: Magic
Do you write fanfic yourself?: No.And can't read it either
Daddy was here!!!
Cassie aka ShoeGoil - 01/01/99 23:31:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/2375
My Email:shoe_goil@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: You game me the addy! ^_^
Which fandoms are you in?: NEWSIES!!
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Yes, you posted "My Uncle, The Newsies, and Me!"
Heya Tuesday! This is a great place! You have a great collection here, and great info! Keep up the good work! Oh, but i realized that one of my works is missing from your collection! Yeah, "Cassie's adventure in Santa Fe." Now, Tuesday, I realize tha
you think you can't put it up because of your rule about finished stories, but don't you see? IT IS FINISHED!!! ^_^ WOO HOO! *sigh* Read it! Love you!
Scribe - 12/30/98 00:01:06
My URL:http://vende.org/scribe/
My Email:scribe_1899@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: I clicked on the little line
Which fandoms are you in?: Newsies (there are others?)
Do you write fanfic yourself?: Do I? Oh yeah!
Heya, Sis! Glad y' gave Mask a home -- he deserves one. Nice place y' got here! OK, I promised I'd come, so here I am :) Keep up th' great work. Love ya!