Fanfiction - and about it

 Hi, I'm Jennifer.
You want to know what I look like? You'll have to find me! There is a secret link somewhere on this page that will get you to a photo of me. Good hunting! (Don't worry, it's not hard to find.)

Dear readers:
I have received a lot of eMail recently asking me when I'll update the page. The answer is: I won't. It's not that I don't like Newsies or fanfiction any longer, it's just that I have a lot of other thing to do now and this is really not one of the top priorities anymore, you see?

As I think this page can still be useful to fanfiction writers, and as the hit counter is still climbing, I'm going to leave it up. I might even update it once in a blue moon, doing small things like fixing a broken link or adding a new one. (And I still have the secret hope of finishing some stories I started one day, in which case I'd certainly put them up here.) However, please don't hold you breath.

Sorry. Hope you understand. :)

Some notes:
- I won't close the Adoption Agency, but I'll make it a self-runner: You can dowload the pics and put them up if you like, but there won't be any more certificates.
- The Mary Sue Litmus Test will remain as it is, no need to send me any more characters' scores, but thanks to whomever participated.
- The Story Contest is closed, sorry to those who participated in the last installment: all entries were great, but I simply don't have time for a proper judging.


About this page:

This page is entirely dedicated to fanfiction. Right here you can find several essays and tips about fanfiction, writing and publishing it.
Fanfiction - What's that?
If you don't know what fanfiction is, here's an explanation by yours truly. :-)
Feed(back) Us!
Please read this short explanation about one of the pillars of fandom.
Dr.Merlin's Guide to Fan Fiction
Read this! Dr. Merlin's essay on the topic of fanfiction is the best I can imagine!
The Newsies Mary Sue Litmus Test
An important tool for every fanfiction writer - check out your original characters!
The Mary Sue Socitey
For proud Mary Sue creators.
Elements of Style by William Strunk
The book on all style matters in the English language. A must for every writer.
American Dialect Links
I personally don't think that writing accents is such a great idea, but if you feel you must, take a look here first, okay? For if you do it, you must do it really well!
Never-Say-Neverisms by William Safire
Thirty funny, easy to remeber, and - above all - very true writing rules that are sure to improve your style.
 Eight great ways to jump-start your writing
The quick help against writer's block.
 Plot by Damon Knight
Your story can have brilliant characterization, great setting, and awesom style - and still be boring. 'Plot' is the magic word - so take the time to read this essay.
 Newsies Beta Reader Page
A truely fantastic idea by Shadow: No more begging people "Would you pleasepleaseplease proofread my story?", but a bunch of voluteers who have experience and like to do it!
 Holly Lisle's Dialogue Workshop
Dialogue is one of the most important parts of a story - and far too often done poorly. This is a lesson in writing dialogue by the well-known author Holly Lisle.

Now, take a look at one of my favorite fandoms:


 Important note: I'm trying to ask every author for permission before I link to their works, but sometimes my mails don't get through or I don't receive answers (Or I simply forget. I'm human, you know?). In these cases I usually presume that the authors won't mind, because we all want as many readers as possible, right?
But if you see some of your works here and you don't want me to have a link to it, just eMail me and I'll take it down, okay?

Love my site? Hate it? Miss something? Have a question? EMail me at
And please don't forget to sign my guestbook:
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Hits up to now:

Here you can find all my favorite links, lots of sites really worth visiting. :-)

My Awards 
See the awards I've won. :-) I'm really proud of them.

This banner expresses my feelings about cliffhangers: I hate them! I simply don't have the nerves for them... That's why you'll NEVER find an unfinished story one my page, or an unfinished series, unless its stories are independent from each other.
Everyone has to learn somewhen. I'm still at it. :-)
(If you want to make your own ribbons, or customized icons, go to ).
Look, I've adopted a penguin!
Everone, meet Mask.
Want a cool penguin like Mask, or another animal (babies and newborns, too)? Go to Mandi's Cyber Pet Center!
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Newsboys' Union
This Newsbo ys' Union member's site owned by Tuesday. 
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