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M y  D a d ' s  P o e t r y

Most of this Poetry my father wrote back in the 60's.

Solitary Agony

Pity the man,who has something to say,
and no one to say it to....
Heartbreak the feeling, when there's something to give,
and no one to give it to....
Despiration will fall, over men one and all,
if repeatedly they fail to fit in.
And torment of soul, will swollow them whole,
and eat their hearts out from within.

William Flannery - 1966

The Warning

I leave this world as I entered it;
Unwanted, afraid, and alone.
Rejected by she that bore me,
I suffered in a foster-home.
Long is the list of my deeds of doing;
Fame and fortune were predicted for me in time,
But to do them for the mere sake of doing something,
Therein lies the heartbreak, therein lies the crime.
So I go from this wrold; to the hell-fires to burn,
But by God and by devil, I swear on the level,
                                                    SOMEDAY I SHALL RETURN!!

William Flannery - 1966

The Insult

People are electrified puppets,
Acting out a silly game.
Each of us is but a number,
A face without a name.
Life is an endless struggle,
Filled with bitterness and pain.
And our idealistic bubble,
Is destroyed by the same.
Even in death there is no release,
For when we're six feet under.
The insul will not cease,
We still remain .... a number.

William Flannery - 1967


Does the grass have to be green,
For the world to remain plush?
Don't we still get there,
At something less than a rush?
Do the clothes make the man,
Or can he stand on his own?
Is it possible to retain a child's innocense,
long after your full grown?
Do worldly things matter,
As mush as it seems?
Don't you think we could reach God sooner,
If we worked together .... in teams?

William Flannery - 1968

The Veil

Mystics and Guru's,
Prophets and Sooths,
Crystal ball gazers,
In carnival booths.
Are they the freaks,
Of a world so sane?
Or do they offer us something,
We would do well to gain?
Do we blindly cling,
To our age old ways?
Or harken to their words,
And follow their gaze!

William Flannery - 1968

Sleep-time Voyager

Journey to the stars,
Or through the corridors of the mind.
Do a thousand and one things,
Of a very unusual kind.
Uncover deeply hidden secrets,
Or lend an unseen helping hand.
Bring back novel treasures,
From an interplanetary foreign land.
The treasures of the Universe,
Lie waiting at my feet.
Do I make it an angel's paradise,
Or a devils' treat?

William Flannery - 1968

The Challenge

What is the fate of man,
This foolish, stumbling child?
Deserve he the fires of Hell,
Or from God, mercy mild?
Will man blindly destroy all creation,
Or his own salvation see?
Must one man the whole race save,
Is this the challenge the almighty gives to me?
This challenge I accept, if challenge it be,
I know mankind, but mankind knows not me.
Men think with their hearts - I think with my mind,
While the hearts are breaking - the power of the Universe I shall find.

William Flannery - 1968

The Narrow Path

Down the twisted road of life I walk, lost and alone.
Silent I stand before a castle of sand, crumbled and worn.
Crumbled by failure, worn weak by pain,
Feebly I rise and stumble onward again.
The more I learn; the more I realize how little I know....
How meager the seeds of knowledge each man tries to sow.
How meager still, the blinded crop he does reap.
And yet, when mankinds final judgement comes,
Will no one have done more than weep?

William Flannery - 1968


The seas of time are endless,
The ship of life too small.
Without a ticket in hand,
Our journey we must stall.
A journey with an ill-remembered beginning,
And unfortunately .... noe end.
For when our struggle here is ended,
An eternity we must spend.
Will it be in Heaven?
It won't be in Hell.
Is the soul's existense eternal?
No living man can tell!

William Flannery - 1968

Fathers Day 1995

A father is many things,
To young impressionable boys.
A storehouse of knowledge,
A santa with toys.
A friend to share the good times,
A rod of iron when we're bad.
A render of all of life's signs,
An understanding shoulder when we're sad.
A steady example of morals & honor,
A diligent self-styled preacher.
A boys' first and greatest hero,
As well as his last and best teacher.
A fathers love is forever,
His guidence sure and true.
I thank the lord every day,
That I was chosen to be loved by you.