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M y  B i o g r a p h y  P a g e

I was born on October 4th 1978 in Mt. Pleasant, MI. I lived in Mt.Pleasant for 12 years before I moved to Colorado.

The Early Years

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I stayed in Colorado for 3 years before I came back to Mt.Pleasant for my Freshman year at Mt. Pleasant High School. While I attend High School I played on the Tennis Team for 2 years, achieving varsity both years. I spent my Sophomore year showing up late and sleeping in my English class (I thank my Best Friend Chris for helping me pass), And I spent my Senior year skipping my Psychology class (I got an A in that class by the way). Where I spent most of my time those four years at High School where Architecture or Graphic classes. That's important to know because one of those two classes would be my major in College. Again, my friend Chris helped me decided which one, Graphics. Why you ask, He said to me one day,"Newman you are either running a football pool or playing Nascar Racing in Drafting class, so I think you should go into the field of Graphics." It makes me sick that Chris is always right.

So with that in mind I went to College and study Graphics.

I attend Mid Michigan Community College that Winter after I graduated from High School (the class of 1997).

College was cool, probably not the normal college experience because I didn't go to a University. Darn, when I look back I do miss those nights of not getting so drunk that I missed my class the next day, and prolonging my college years. No I loved going to Mid Michigan Community College, I don't regret it one bit. After a few years there I received my degree in 2000. I graduated with an Associates Degree in Graphic Design.

Here Are a Few Pictures from those years

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Senior Year High School

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My High School Graduation My Mom and Me

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Those College Years

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Receiving Diploma 2000

After I graduated from College I got a job as a Graphics Artist at The Morning Sun Newspaper. I have worked there for about 2 years, it's cool but I plan to move to back to Colorado.