Rose's Diary

Following Rose's funeral, Lizzy, her granddaughter, had been sorting through her possessions when she came across a small trunk that was locked. When she unlocked the trunk, among the items that she found was a small leather book whose pages had become brittle and yellowed with age. She opened the book and began reading.

April 20 1912

I am a survivor of the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic where 1500 souls lost their lives in the icy waters of the North Atlantic that terrible night 5 days ago. I am familiar with their pain and suffering and know the grief of those who have lost someone. It is by the grace of God that I have been spared. I am putting my memories of those days in this diary so that I will never forget. Here is my story.

My world as I once knew it exists for me no more. My heart still pains me for Jack. The only thing I have to remember him by, Cal destroyed. But turnabout is fair play; I have something of his. I was somewhat shocked when I discovered the necklace still inside the coat pocket. The devious Cal, that is the only reason he gave me his coat. was to insure his precious necklace would be safe. Well I have your necklace and you will never see it again.

Providence must be smiling on me because yesterday I noticed a small bulge in the lining of the coat. I opened the seam and to my amazement I discovered a money belt with nearly a thousand dollars inside! I will say one thing for Cal; he is resourceful, always prepared for the unexpected. I thank God for looking out for me; the money will help me to survive at least for a while anyway until I decide what I will do with my life.

No one knows I exist anymore, not my family or friends. As far as they know, I died on Titanic. Looking back, it seems like a dream now. I would have never imagined that Cal's present to me of sailing on Titanic's maiden voyage would change so many lives.

Two weeks before Titanic set sail I had gone with mother and Cal to France on board the Mauretania. We were on a shopping expedition in preparation for my upcoming wedding. One night at the hotel Cal burst in waving a wireless in his hand, and announced we were going to return to New York on the Titanic. He showed me the wireless. I read it's contents and discovered that several suites were available due to an unforeseen cancellation. The wireless directed Cal to go to the offices at SouthHampton to pick up his tickets.

Cal was acting like a child at Christmas time and proudly exclaimed that he had to pull a lot of strings to get these tickets. Smiling. I told Cal how wonderful but I was thinking perhaps a few favors on Cal's part also. The wireless was signed "Bruce Ismay, Managing Director White Star Lines."

