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You can now join Becky's Official Fan Club. It's a great club!!! By joining, you will get advance notice of personal appearances, 2 color photos, updates on what's happening in PC, quarterly newsletters filled with photos, beauty and fashion tips, previews of Rebecca's clothing designs, articles and interviews.

Yearly dues are:
$20 USA
$23 Canada
$27 Foreign

You can join by sending a money order made out to Ginny Mahl to:

The Rebecca Herbst Official Fan Club
PO Box 141452
Spokane, WA 99214-1452

An Official Online Website is in the works. So keep an eye out on that!

Fans of daytime's hottest young heartthrob - Jonathan Jackson - now have the opportunity to stare into his dreamy eyes over and over again!! The actor had teamed up with photographer Jim Warren to produce a book containing a collection of his best shots.
"It's a composite of some of my favorite pictures from three or four photo shoot's that {Warren and I} did, to give fans a different look than just the generic ones that are out there," says Jackson. "It's really cool to do beacuse we got to go outside to some different places that looked food for the camera."

If you would like to order this exclusive collection of Jackson photos you can do so by visiting his Official Website!
Jonathan & Richard Jackson's Official Web Page!!!

Jonathan Jackson's band Scarlet Road has released a new album entitled "God Candy"
"My brother thought of it as some of the things God gives us in life that makes life special."
Jonathan not only wrote 16 songs, but he is also the lead singer in the band. This time his brother - who plays the drums - "got to sing two songs that he wrote, which is pretty cool." The talented twosome also took the photos on the CD.

If you would like to order your very own copy of God Candy you can visit
Jonathan & Richard Jackson's Official Web Page!!!

*Information taken from Aug. 3, 1999 Issue of Soap Opera Update*

This Page Was Last Updated On April 4, 2000
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